

Being in Uganda I have learned quickly that just about every
thing is different. From the food to the landscape to the government to the
people… almost nothing is the same. However, the feeling I receive walking into
church here is unbelievable. Growing up, my parents have always taken us to church
while we have been away on family vacations and I have learned through experience that the church is the
same everywhere you go…no matter what. It is a constant feeling that I always receive when I walk in the doors. I feel at home. I feel comfortable. There
is a special light around LDS members that no one else in the world has.  The members are
so friendly and truly do radiate happiness. It is comforting to know that I can
always feel the spirit no matter where I am and I LOVE that by living our gospel,
people truly are happier.

 cute Bella and i at church

 i love missionaries! (elder rennie on the right knows the gochnours)

great billboard outside the church

Thursday night we were all feeling a little homesick and were
talking about our time here and how much longer we still have. We were all
talking about the food we missed, the family we longed for and all the things
America had that Uganda didn’t. As I was laying in my bed that night I came
across this scripture in Alma… it read;

     “ And now behold, my beloved brethren, I say
unto you, do not suppose that this is all; for after ye have done all these
things, if ye turn away the needy, and the naked, and visit not the sick and
afflicted, and impart of your substance, if ye have, to those who stand in need
I say unto you, if ye do not any of these things, behold your prayer is vain,
and availeth you to nothing, and ye are as hypocrites who do deny the faith.”
Alma 34:28

After reading this scripture, my thoughts went wild thinking
of how selfish I was missing home and longing to be somewhere else. As a
faithful servant of my Heavenly Father I am fulfilling his commandment by
serving and visiting the sick and afflicted.  By serving the people here, I am serving
Him! I am so grateful this changed my outlook quick! I never want to avail to nothing and am so happy to be here trying to make a difference in this world.

The book I started to read today is called “A Return to Virtue”
by Elaine S. Dalton. After opening up my e-mail last week to find out I was
picked in the lottery to run the St. George Marathon in October, this book began to provide a whole new meaning to me!  Throughout this book, Sister Dalton shares her experiences
related to running her marathons and weaves them into analogies of virtue. Today
I loved this part that read;

 “Why a return to virtue? Why a marathon analogy?
Why now? Why me? Perhaps it is because I have learned that the marathon of life
will require all that we have. It will require quick training. It will require
that we help others along our path.
It will require strength beyond our own,
and this will require purity and virtue.”

I am so excited to read this book and am intrigued because this meaning is hitting home for me right now! I loved thinking of the analogy of life and a marathon and how it is going to require all that we have. Like i said earlier, between the scripture verse in Alma and this chapter in her book, I am going to give all that I have to help others along my path and serve those who stand in need. I am grateful for this opportunity and life-changing experience. It is changing me everyday for the better and can’t wait to start seeing results in my projects!

Sorry this is a random post. It is basically my brain pouring out my thoughts and not much of an “update” of my weekend. In a short sum, it was amazing!  Bunjee jumping and rafting the Nile river calls for an adventurous, exhilarating, and amazing weekend!  We slept over Saturday night in a hostel off the Nile and this is a picture at sunset. Oh, and I ate pizza. And got to face time my family. Yep, GOOD WEEKEND! Love you all!!! XOXO