



Hi family and friends! I have finally arrived in Lugazi , Uganda FINALLY!
 I only have 10 more minutes left on my internet usage, so i am typing as fast as i can on this dinky computer!
But hi! I am safe. While on the flight yesterday from London to Kenya, i learned that I was supposed to bring my yellow card immunization form, which I didn’t bring! So the WHOLE entire flight I was sick to my stomach and thought i was going to throw up. I was going to be left behind in Kenya..
 Before the flight took off i borrowed the land managers phone from Kenyan Airlines attempting to call the Utah County Health Department in hopes that they would fax my form over. Of course, to my luck the grandma on the other end put me on hold and never came back.
Before I knew it the Kenyans took the phone right out of my hand and commanded that I go take my seat. I didn’t cry but I was SO nervous.
I guess it is illegal to come into Uganda without proof of getting your yellow fever immunization. Talk about being a STRESS CASE. I couldn’t sleep and was saying constant prayers throughout the flight.
 When I got off of the plane our director Troy told me thathe never wrote his name on his yellow fever booster card and told me to write my name on it! My prayers were answered yet LUCKILY they never even asked to see the card!
Finally I was calm just in time to arrive in Uganda!
As we got off of the plane our other country directory, Mccall, was waiting for us along with some ugandan teenagers from kampala. I loved getting to know these sweet girls, one girl in particular named Claire (15 yrs. old) happened to be LDS. The moment she saw my CTR ring she wanted it, so i slid it off my finger and gave it to her. Claire’s best friend wanted onto also so i made Karl (karli) give up hers too. It was such a sweet fun first experience to see how happy that little ring made them!
We loaded into the bus and took a 2 hour bumpy ride up into North Lugazi. The village and people absolutely amazed me. I have never seen anything like it. There were so many people and SO much poverty.
I thank my Heavenly Father for the life i have been so blessed with. The ride into town alone was quite a humbling experience. Anxiously waiting to see where it would be that we would stay, we pulled up to our house. It was small and quaint but nice! I share a room with 11 other girls. We have TRIPLE bunk beds! So as of right now i am a lot more worried about dying from falling from the top bunk than any disease haha.
After we got situated our cooks made us CHAPATAS which are similar to cafe rio tortillas with beans and fresh avacado. Accompanied with fresh fruit.. the fruit .. so yummy! I love the pineapple.
We then went back to our rooms to change and of course, i began to cry when i found the best note my mom snuck into my luggage! She is amazing and i needed that so bad so thanks mom!!! Then whoever wanted to rest could take some time for themselves, and the rest could work so i went out to a school and built a bridge for them to cross.
Have to run! Love you all.