i love will


 When Will first e-mailed home his flight plans I saw August 11th and knew that it would be one of the greatest days of my life.
I also thought it would never come!
But it did.
And It was more perfect than I could have ever imagined.
I decided not to go to the airport due to various reasons so we met at the park on 45th south in Holladay.
 We used to have picnics and watch the sunsets at the park and have always loved to spend time there.
 After getting released as an Elder his mom drove him to the park where I was sitting on a bench clenching my fists, about to faint.
After he stepped out of the car, he saw me on the bench and I stood up and started walking towards him.
Soon enough that walk gradually turned into a fast sprint and I finally made it to him and jumped so high into his arms.
 Our hug felt surreal. I couldn’t believe that I was there. With him again. And it was all over. All of the stress of his safety, of what was going to happen with us, of sending letters, of sleepless nights, e-mailing, packages… it was all over. We walked around and sat on a bench under a tree and talked and couldn’t stop giggling.
We kept on saying, “We did it. We made it. We didn’t give up.”
My day was more perfect than words could describe and I could go on and on about details but for now just know that my happiness right now is indescribable. I truly to feel so blessed.
I have my boy home.


happiest day of my life right there!!!
willivia is back in action.