

here are the two absolute best things about march..
cadbury eggs and basketball.
besides that, it’s almost like you have to constantly come up with fun things to do.
luckily, i had lots of fun things to do all month.
march is usually my absolute busiest months preparing for nationals and finals and all.
but here are my top five favorite moments from march.
1. BYU made it into the NIT championship so i (officially) danced in my very last BYU basketball game.. EVER! i am so sad that cougarettes is coming to an end so fast. cougarettes is easily one of the biggest parts of my life and i can’t believe after nationals i am DONE.
2. my beautiful sis bella celebrated her big 22 in germany. how is it possible for a sister missionary to still look as pretty as she does?


3. will’s family had tickets to some of the NCAA tournament games that were in SLC. my bracket was absolutely destroyed from the beginning but watching wichita state play was so neat! can you believe they are still in?!
4. i hiked the y with some of my friends for our friend taylor’s birthday.
5. will and i went to st. george… twice! the first time for a macklemore concert
and the second time because we just needed a break
jensen’s outfits CRACK ME UP.


this is will’s guilty face… (note: if you try to push me in the pool, you are going down with me)


 buckets list # 37. carve our initials into a tree.



happy spring!
xo, liv.