

it all still feels like a dream but i am getting married!
seriously so’s the story…. 

on april 10th i flew to daytona beach with my dance team to compete in the NDA college national competition. i was hoping to fly home with two national titles… but instead, i flew home with 2 national titles PLUS an engagement ring!
it’s safe to say i had the best week of my whole life.
on thursday, we competed in the preliminary round in the open dance division. we placed 1st which meant we would make it into the finals round the next day (only the top 10 teams can go to finals) 




on friday we competed in finals around 3 p.m. and had the awards ceremony right after. 


let me just say that waiting to find out the results at any competition is quite possibly the most heart wrenching thing. 


then we found out we won!!
seriously the happiest feeling in the world.
so much hard work, tears, sacrifice and effort went into our nationals routine.
 the feeling that it all paid off was indescribable.
after finding out we won, we celebrated for only about 5 minutes and then had to immediately get dressed and get ready to compete in the hip hop division.
and what did we do?
win again!
once again, hearing that we won 1st place was so rewarding and unbelievable.
after that, i never thought my week could get any better.yep, i was wrong. 



on saturday we had a free day.
 my family and i went to some outlet stores in orlando and hit the beach.
l relaxing after finals is like HITTING A WALL. i was literally a beached whale.
 later that night we had a team celebratory dinner.
after dinner, my family dropped me off and i said goodbye to Will and said i would see him in salt lake. then i went up to go to devotional in my coaches hotel room.
after devotional we were packing our bags  (we had to wake up at 4:40 a.m. for our flight) and my coach called me and told me to come up to her room.
she was staying in the penthouse suite of the hotel so i went up to her room and she was sitting outside on her balcony. as i was up there she was asking if i was feeling okay and other really odd questions… i was seriously so confused.
 as she was talking to me, Will called me and told me to look down at the beach..
this is what i saw 


i started crying right away!
 he told me to hurry and come down because he needed to ask me something
(gee, wonder what)
i ran towards the elevator and, might i add, that it was the longest elevator ride of my WHOLE life.
once i got to the lobby i sprinted out to the beach screaming Wills name.
once i jumped on him he started to play “marry me” by train.
then he said some stuff. i said some stuff.
and it was the happiest moment of my LIFE.
after 10 minutes or so my family ran towards me and there was just lots of happiness.
my team came running and SCREAMING moments later! 


(we were just a little sad my best friend won’t be at my wedding)




sharing this moment with my Will, my family and my team was such a special thing for me!
i am finally engaged to the love of my life.
the boy i met when i was 15, he was 16.
when we were young, careless, and naive but the only thing we knew for sure was that we loved each other.
the boy i waited for over 2 long years.
the boy who makes me the happiest.
the boy i now call my fiancé