i love will


this weekend was the wedding of Will’s brother Ralph to his darling bride Abigail.
i was beyond excited for their wedding but even more excited for Will to come home!
it has been so hard having him away
so i soak up every second with him i can get!
we had so much fun cramming in our whole summer into 3 days







lots of swimming, diet coke and food!
(of course we made a sixth and pine, chipotle, and chik-fil-a stop)
and let us not forget the UNFORGETTABLE wedding festivities
(wedding dinner done all by Will’s mom)


the cute gochnour sisters.





how cute is my little brother?!
the wedding was seriously a dream.
couldn’t of been more perfect!
well, it the best weekend with Will i could ever asked for.
i will miss him so much the rest of the summer.
as for me? wedding planning begins: today.