year recap

TOP 13 OF 13

2013 was full of approximately 2013 happy moments.
i didn’t think any year could get much happier/more adventurous that 2012 but i was wrong.
1. will’s first look
one of my top favorite moments was that moment Will turned around and saw me in my wedding  dress for the first time.
his smile was so huge and we just couldn’t stop laughing.
i love love loved that moment and will cherish it forever.
(the rest are in no significant order)
2. traveling with Willie.
we went to San Francisco for our first time as well as many other little trips.
3.  winning 2 national dance championships was definitely unforgettable.
we put SO much hard work into our routines and it was amazing to see it all pay off.
i will never forget cougarettes and the impact it had on myself and my life.


4. Will was away for the entire summer so I definitely cherished the weekend he would come home and we would soak up every moment together. we would fit all of our summer to-do’s into every minute possible. swimming at my grandma’s is one of our favorite summer memories.



 5. my families annual Newport trip is definitely my favorite.
the donuts, beaches, sports games and sunshine all come together to be one of my favorite vacations.

6. graduating from college!
i always knew Will would never come to BYU so I plowed through college to graduate a year yearly so i could be with him in salt lake. i LOVED my time at BYU and would honestly never change it for anything in the world.
BYU made me into the person I am today and I absolutely loved everything about that institution. I never thought I would go to BYU because I am a huge Utah fan but my BYU experience change my life, for the better.


( my mom just haaaaad to wear her red skirt to the ceremony. ute fever )
8. my sister Bella came home from her mission in Berlin!
having her home is the BEST.


9. my engagement!
obviously my engagement was one of the happiest moments of my life so how could i not include it.
the beachy April day was pure bliss.


beach engagement


 10. my best friends weddings!
i loved being apart of so many of my friends weddings.
from mesa to oakland to salt lake..
seeing my friends get married are the happiest days of my life!


11. my golden birthday!
i turned 21 on the 21st and i loved having Will home from the summer to make sure i had the best day ever
which it was..
how could you have a bad birthday when you wake up to a canyon run followed by a giant DC w/ lime and maple bar donut?


12.  i have had a goal since i was little to attend every temple in utah before i took out my endowments in the temple.
i loved going from manti, to monticello to vernal to achieve my goal.
all of the temples were so beautiful and i accomplished my goal the saturday before my wedding.
it was a great feeling to cross if off my list and was amazing to see all of the temples!
13. decorating our cottage
it might sound silly but a dream since i was little was to decorate my own home one day.
i love adding little things each day to make our cottage our home.


it has been an amazing year and i can’t wait to try to make 2014 even better!