

i love today.
because today is my best friends birthday…
who just so happens to be my sister as well.
isabelle is one of the biggest blessings in my life.
she has taught me how to be patient, have a sense of humor, be humble and always generous.


at sunday dinner this past week, we all went around and said what we loved about Bella.
i said i loved her because i needed her in my life and Heavenly Father knew that.
here’s the story to explain that…
when isabelle was only an eight month old baby my mom became pregnant with me..
 (we won’t go into the issue if that was a mistake or not…. )
on august 21st 1992 my mom woke up, pregnant as ever, and knew today was the day i would come.
she called my grandma to come over to watch isabelle and told my dad and other sister Eliza to hurry and grab their things so they could head up the hospital.
once they gathered their things together, my dad said that he and Eliza would go back the car out of the garage into the driveway to make it easier for my very pregnant mother.
as my dad was pulling backwards, the tire of his car ran over something he assumed to be a piece of wood …
(our house was under construction at the time)
once he felt something under the tire he pulled forward, looked to the side, saw no wood, and resumed backing out of the driveway.
 as he resumed backwards, he looked forward to see the horrific sight of isabelle laying there in the driveway.. not a piece of wood.
my dad had very accidentally run over his 17 month old child.


he carried her into our house in a panic and told my mom they needed to rush her down to St. Marks Hospital.
my mom couldn’t leave her almost dead daughters sight and felt like she could wait a little longer until she went to the hospital for herself.
they rushed down to the hospital only to hear the doctors say there was no hope and that Isabelle would surely die from this tragic accident.
at that time, my dad knew he needed to give isabelle a priesthood blessing to ensure that everything would be alright.
he said in the blessing that she needed to hang out on ” because she needed to meet her new baby sister.”
prior to birth, my parents never wanted to learn the gender of any child. so right then, my dad was inspired and my mom and family learned that i was a baby girl coming into their lives that day.
after the blessing, my mom and dad needed to leave to get to Holy Cross hospital for my arrival so they trusted that both my grandpas could take Isabelle’s matters into their own hands.
my grandpas both demanded she be life-lighted to Primary Childrens Hospital so she was put in a helicopter and taken there..
that is where her life was saved.
she went through a long recovery but my parents say she never wiped her smile off her face.
she was constantly shining and happy to be alive.
my fathers blessing was so right.
she needed to wait and hold on in this life so she and i could be together.
she is my best friend. she is my light. she is my fighter.
happy birthday bella.
i love you so much.
i will be your alfalfa any day