but really,
why am i so obsessed with weddings?
literally every aspect of weddings i’m in love with!
whether it’s the bridal showers, the invitation, the bachelorette party, the bridesmaid outfit, the sealing, the ceremony, the reception, the send-off..
i love it all!
on august 30th, my cute cousin Grace married the boy of her dreams, Timmy!
for her bachelorette party two nights before, we all went to Cafe Trio and then to Sarah’s pool house for games, gifts, mocktails and some (slightly inappropriate) chats!
then the actual wedding day was just a dream!
beautiful weather. happiest couple. and stunning reception!
how gorgeous is temple square right now?
i mean HOW perfect are they?!
will just caught bustin a move hahaha
cousin bridesmaids
loved this night and LOVE all other wedding nights 🙂
so happy for you timmy & grace!
we can’t wait to hang with you guys for FOREVER!