

willivia: germany
in preparation for this trip.. my dad put each kid in charge of a city where we went.
that kid had to do their research on what there was to do in the city, the history, the must-sees, the best restaurants etc.
and köln was my city!!
willivia: germany


willivia: germany
obviously the number 1 stop was the cologne cathedral.
i have been to a lot of cathedrals in europe and this by FAR trumped all!
it was the tallest, most intricate cathedral i have ever seen.


willivia: germany
we visited the Lindt chocolate museum and store…
preeeeetty sure i ate my weight in chocolates that day and preeetttty sure  i am 100% happy about it.
after we left, we were probably half a mile down the road and i made my little brother turn around with me and run back so i could buy more chocolate bars
big LOL.
i have priorities okay?!


willivia: germany
we did a river cruise on the rhine river while it was raining which was fun!
neat to get the history of the city that way.


willivia: germany
i brought locks for my family to lock their love on the famous love lock bridge over the rhine river!
after you lock your love you throw your key into the river so it’s locked forever
willivia: germany
willivia: germany
willivia: germany



willivia: germany


willivia: germany


ooooobviously gelato was on our to-do list.
their coconut gelato?


willivia: germany
taught my grandpa how to take a selfie


willivia: germany


willivia: germany


willivia: germany
and we found the BEST japanese restaurant in all the land.


willivia: germany
willivia: germany


willivia: germany
sooo ya i guess you could say köln was kool
here’s to my 3rd gelato of the day!