

there is definitely
don’t get me wrong… i love traveling and feel so grateful i had the opportunity to go to europe with my family…
but after two weeks, i was giddy the whole airplane ride home.i watched movie after movie after movie because i just couldn’t sleep. 

i was hours away from seeing Will, smelling fresh air, being by the mountains again, getting an ICE cold DIET coke, and finally being at the cottage again! 


since we babysat for 10 days right before i left, i hadn’t slept at the cottage in almost a month and missed that little place so dearly.
prior to leaving, castine and i put together 14 little presents & notes for Will for each day i was gone.
she was the best helper!
they were just little, teeny presents of his favorite things
  his mom was nice enough to set each present on the cottage porch to surprise him everyday.
ya ya ya it’s a little obsessive i know i know.
i realize some couples are apart a lot longer than 2 weeks but it was our longest time apart since being married so give me a break!!
once i landed on sunday, i bolted through customs and ran out to the curb to see Willie standing there with 2 of my all-time favorite things
(well, 3 including himself)


then when we got home, i walked into the cottage to see he had now arranged all my favorite things together to welcome me home.


then i went to bed and saw this


and then i woke up to this
hahahaha isn’t he the best human?!


he makes me the happiest.
i’m happy to say that willivia is back in action.


fully loaded.
** apologies for the sappy post. i’m just reeeeally happy to be back, alright?!**