motivational monday


(i am deep like once or twice a year so apologies in advance)
as some of you know, i make a 35-40 minute commute everyday.
somedays even up close to an hour when there is bad traffic.
which leads me to the following things:
-eating on the go
-sticking my head out the window like a dog to dry my hair when i am running late
-playing the game of driving in the carpool lane when the lanes go dotted and then getting out before they go double
-calling friends, family, grandparents and old friends to catch up on their life
-changing each FM radio station after .2 seconds of pop music
-and lots of Olivia thinking time
lots & lots of thinking time actually.
this week however, i have found that i have listened to absolutely nothing because i have something on my mind that i can’t seem to knock out.
after the 5th day of this constant thought, i have decided it is time to talk about it.
simple as that.. happiness.
i received a hurtful comment on one of my blog posts Monday morning and i found myself immediately deleting it, not replying back, and actually laughing my head off about it with Will at breakfast.
i just imagined someone sitting there behind their computer screen.. feeling SO miserable.. commenting rude things.. and never actually feeling better about doing so.
but then that same day, my sister-in-law showed me something someone anonymously wrote on her blog and my hurt had to be nothing compared to her hurt.
it was beyond inappropriate and that anonymous writer has hurt someones feelings who didn’t deserve it whatsoever.
so i guess my question is WHY.
WHY is it that we, as human beings, have the ability to be so hurtful?
why can’t we always be absolutely, genuinely happy for other people.. no matter what they do in their life?
why can’t we let people express their true selves and naturally withhold judgement?
why is it that Americans have more than people in other third world countries, yet they are happier than we are…

(HAPPY is a great documentary proving that point)why do we look at other people doing incredible things in their life and feel jealousy rather than a feeling of happiness for their accomplishments?

whenever i am asked my B I G G E S T pet peeve i always respond with the same thing:miserable people.

i believe happiness is a choice.
an absolute, personal choice.

regardless of your circumstance, you have a choice of how you respond in situations.

you can be down on yourself and spiral down to misery and take it out on others.
or you can choose happiness.

choose to love regardless of the circumstance.

choose to love regardless of past situations.

it’s something that needs to be tested, tried and fought definitely will not come naturally for most people.

it doesn’t for me!

i am not perfect at any of this.
my brain littler onto this little blog post is more of a reminder to me more than anything.

how can i be kinder?

how can i make someone else’s day a little better?

when my Mom drives me places, i have NEVER (i mean it, never) gotten out of the car without her saying;”BE NICE TO SOMEONE TODAY”


so i guess overall i would like to pose a challenge for this weekend.
– call someone you have hurt
– call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time whose friendship you can feel fading
– drop off something thoughtful… anonymously
– be GENUINELY happy for someone

– forgive someone who has resented you. whether that be a major or minor resentment.i guess these little changes in the world might turn into a future a little brighter than what most are anticipating.