family time


there is something about June that is so exciting to me
i don’t know if it’s the thought of summer coming up, warmer days, graduations and pool days..
but june is forever one of my favorite months of the year.
here are some little tidbits of june so far for me-
1. my little brother mitchell graduated from olympus high!


i don’t know why it was so emotional for me to watch him graduate.
my little brother.
little brother.
how is he old enough for this?!
at the beginning of the ceremony, the school choir performed “do you hear the people sing” from Les Miserables and Will looks over at me and I am bawling my eyes out.
of course he started laughing at me.
what was my deal?!
with that soundtrack + my little brother growing up way too fast… i was a big big wreck.
cheers to the class of 2014!


2. i did a photo shoot for portica cosmetics with my sisters & mom


my mom works at anthroplogie.. so naturally she meets the nicest people all the time
one day she met the woman behind portica cosmetics over in foothill village who asked if we would do a photo shoot for her to advertise their makeup line.
it was so much fun to get makeovers and then be able to have these pictures taken of my mom & sisters & i.
we will definitely cherish them forever.
3. after national donut day i ate too many & actually got physically sick
(as much as i wish this was a joke…this is not a joke)


willivia: donuts
me on my lunch break on national donut day.
no complaints here, right?
until that night when i came down with the worst sickness i have had in a long time….
4. i saw/stared/bought way too many peonies
p.s. this is trader joe’s last week with peonies!
you’ve been warned!
5. my sister bella & baker got engaged!


willivia: engagement ring
is that ring not to die for?
will you be my bridesmaid?
can’t wait for august 9th!
6. we celebrated birthdays & brides


7. and i finally saw the fault in our stars!
after working 13+ hours on Friday + 10 hours on Saturday I can’t think of a better way to end my short-lived weekend than going to Noodles & then seeing The Fault in Our Stars with some of our very best friends.
can that director just win an award already?
i really thought everything about that movie was perfect.
the soundtrack, the actors, the screenwriting, the cinematography..
flawless job if you ask me!
can’t wait to see what the rest of the 20 days of june bring