

i am currently slapping myself in slow motion for the title of this post but we’re just going to roll with it, okay?
willivia arizona
this past weekend, Will & I felt brave and ventured down to the valley of cacti & 100+ temperatures.
willivia arizona
we went down there for three main reasons
1. to see my best friends new baby!!
2. to go meet will’s mission presidents & attend their homecoming
3. eat good food (OBVIOUSLY)
willivia arizona
our friend Steph moved down to Arizona last month so we were able to hang out with her lots too & she showed us around her favorite places so far which was such a treat!
willivia arizona
 we went to downtown Gilbert our first night and you’ll die at how darling the whole town is.
we loved it.
Will made a good point: we felt like were in Cars Land in Disneyland!!
which is like our most favorite place EVER.
everything was absolutely perfect and quaint
& i could stare at these signs all day
willivia arizona
willivia arizona
and him.
i could stare at him all day too.
 a man named Joe is my new hero.
he has opened up a couple restaurants in Gilbert and grows all of the food on his very OWN family farm. you could seriously taste the difference!
the first night we tried his Real BBQ Restaurant and it did not disappoint.

willivia arizona

willivia arizona
i wish words could describe how delicious that mac & cheese was……
i dreamt about it last night.
willivia arizona
speaking of dreamy, meet NAVY.
the most adorable little 3.5 week old baby.
i love seeing my best friend as a MOTHER.
she is the absolute best, most paranoid, caring mother i know.
 i will DEFINITELY be calling her up 24/7 when i have a baby of my own and am just as paranoid as she is 🙂
willivia arizona


willivia arizona


willivia arizona
i practically fainted on the floor when i saw this ^^
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willivia arizona
we lasted a solid 20 minutes outside of the pool.
the rest of the time you had to be in it or else you felt like you were going to melt.
or faint.
or have a stroke.
willivia arizona
i physically canNOT walk past one of these without buying it.
willivia arizona
i also can’t walk past one of these without buying it…
& there is no marketing involved so…
i have issues.


willivia arizona


willivia arizona
one morning i woke up around 7 a.m. and decided i wanted to go on a run.
 i went out to the car to grab my running shoes, turned around, came right back inside and told Will it was already 100 degrees HAHAHA.
so we decided to go to Joe’s other restaurant for breakfast!
it was his Farm Grill.. on HIS ACTUAL FARM.. freshest food in the world my goodness.


willivia arizona


willivia arizona
i was so glad i was still in my running clothes because eating outside lasted a solid 10 minutes before it got too hot and we had to go indoors!
but they squeezed that orange juice FRESH out of THEIR OWN GROWN oranges!!
i’m screaming. i need to calm down sorry.


willivia arizona


willivia arizona


willivia arizona
okay i don’t think the rest of the post will involve talking about food .. SORRY
but definitely one of the highlights of my trip was meeting Will’s mission president & wife!

willivia arizona

the Heyman’s were truly some of the nicest people i have ever met.
i loved finally meeting the people who took such good care of Will while he was in Argentina!
willivia arizona
& of course our last stop before leaving town was stopping by the brand new LDS Gilbert temple.
it is truly one of the prettiest temples i have ever seen!
perfect location. perfect setting. perfect architecture.
perfect beauty.
willivia arizona
i am so grateful more temples are being built to be closer to everyone.
i always feel so blessed to live in Utah and be so close to so many temples!


willivia arizona
i am also grateful for Will who always adventures with me and makes me constantly laugh the whole time.
trips with him are always my absolute favorite.
my navy dress: ASOS
my swimsuit: anthropologie