

I am definitely in denial my favorite month is over!
I don’t know why.. but October always leaves me in a happy mood.
Maybe it is because of all of mine and Will’s October of 2007 was filled with nervous phone calls, anxious text messages and sneaking out to spend more time together…
(sorry mom. you had to find out sooner or later…)
Or maybe it is the weather.
Or possibly the anticipation for Halloween?
Or even just Fall in general leaves a magical feeling around Utah.


My high points of October include:
-setting up all of my Halloween decor (obviously)
-one of my greatest friends and her baby coming in town from Arizona
-a beautiful hike up Big Cottonwood Canyon with Will one Saturday morning
-baking every Pumpkin flavored thing possible
-running pipeline trail before the snow comes
-the warm weather lingering around longer
-escaping down to Lake Powell for the first time in a couple years
-and obbbbviously becoming an aunt to baby Luella!








My LOW points of October:
-freaking out the world is coming to an end due to Ebola (sarcastic.. but i really do freak out)
-bailing on our planned costume at 4:30 p.m. the evening of Halloween and having to fight the crowds in a rush
-my car deciding to lock itself with my keys AND phone inside one day…
-enduring some of the busiest work days possible
-having mine and Will’s schedule constantly contradict each other
-the process of beginning to whip out hundred upon hundreds of dollars towards MCAT prep stuff for W
-health scares
-missing my little missionary brother Mitch
But we survived!
2 months down with my baby brother gone.
Only 22 more……………………………………………………………………………………..