

Even though there is ZERO snow in Utah’s valley (tears) I have still loved the Holidays with every bit of me!
We went and chose our our tree and then I decorated it alone while Will went and studied (yes, I am slowly beginning to feel like a widow). However, I couldn’t put the star on top for the life of me. Will came home while I was taking pictures of the tree all decorated and literally walked over and put it on within 2 seconds. Perks of having a 6’5″ husband I guess!
 I am pretty thrilled with how it turned out.
(I grew up with white lights on my tree.. Will grew up with colored.. so we trade off every year! Hahaha. However, I think he loves our tree as much as I do this year 🙂
One Sunday morning I made these for Willie.
Are we 5?


Temple Square.. same lights every year but you still gotta go!



My friends know how to give gifts!


Last Saturday I had a baking morning with my friends Taylor & Sarah. We went to Sarah’s grandma’s and made homemade bread, cinnamon rolls and peanut brittle. Peanut brittle is probably my new favorite recipe! I could eat that goodness all day.


Saturday night we held our annual couples Christmas party at Will’s parents house.


Brookie was in town from Texas (her husband is in Medical School there) and having us all together again was Heaven with a capital H.
While we were cleaning up the party I was told by someone that I was being “summoned” outside… I walked outside so confused but then I saw Brooke, Tay & Kar (^^) huddling around each other. Once I walked up, Brooke said “Promise not to scream?” and pulled out an ULTRASOUND!
Oh my goodness my best friend is going to be a MOTHER!!!! I am beside myself. We sat there all crying and hugging and screaming (didn’t keep our promise). Baby Cope coming June 25th!


^^ no comment. I promise it was Ugly sweater themed..


I spy a sweater from the Opening Ceremonies in Sochi…..




Okay crap that picture makes my like colored lights…..
Hope everyone is enjoying their December!