

When I think back on this past month of February truly the only thing I can think about is how insane Utah’s weather has been! It has been hitting record highs everyday for the last 2 weeks.. Although I can’t complain about great running weather.. the poor ski season is leaving me begging for some snow!
I am also worried about our water supply this summer… but hopefully we can borrow some from Boston haha.
The above picture is one of my favorite pictures on my phone right now. I drove home to SLC from work early one day to visit my Grandpa in the hospital. He isn’t doing too great which is sad but it is a great reminder to hold those loved ones closer than ever. My mom had been at the hospital all day when I took that pic and Lu helped cheer up all of our hearts!


If you follow our food Instagram (which is definitely more me posting since Will has deleted Instagram off his phone until after he takes the MCAT hahaha) you will see that we have been basically eating our way through this fake winter here in UT.



After we started the Instagram account we realized it was kind of embarrassing how much we eat out/love some good food but our families are the same way & our jobs both eat out a lot so we figured.. hey! why not post the food we love to eat?!


For Super Bowl Sunday we combined both of our families for a big party and Will’s mom is the cutest artist and made this ” football field” for the eating table. I love it every year!


I love those every year too^


Packages for Elder Diederich!
I really hope it makes it to Peru… Mitchell is in a tiny village right now up in the mountains. It takes him only 15 minutes to walk across the entire village. He loves it!


Will and I both had a Friday off a couple weeks ago and we spent it our favorite way we could imagine.. skiing! Spring skiing in February never felt so right/wrong.



Happy about skiing down a giant Piña Colada slurpee.


That night I dressed up REEEEEAL nice when we went to make a return at the mall.
Sometimes I think Will can be secretly embarrassed of me ha!


I had to work in Provo on a Saturday from 7:45 a.m. to 8 p.m. so I broke my 1.5 month streak of no Diet Coke. I surprisingly didn’t love it as much as I thought I would.. but it still gave me the caffeine boost I needed to go throughout the day! Back to my ICE drinks I go 🙂


We celebrated Craig at a family dinner last Sunday and he was on CLOUD NINE the entire time. I love this boy so much.
For a little background on Craig..
He has Williams Syndrome which is a genetic condition that involves several abnormalities. He attended Olympus High, graduated in 2006 and still attends every single basketball & football game as the ball boy. Everyone in Holladay knows & LOVES Craig. He works at Walmart as the cart gatherer and couldn’t be HAPPIER. He calls me ~5-10 times a day, refers to me as his girlfriend, and gets mad at Will if he kisses me haha. He is seriously one of the biggest angels in my life.
I mean HOW can you not love that smile?


Luella also stole the show the day.




Will & I celebrated Valentine’s early since we were going to be in St. George with our family that weekend. We went to Copper Onion downtown, Yogurtland (given), and then dragged our mattress into the living room and watched a Netflix movie.



I’m convinced there are few things better than a long weekend with family or friends in sunny St. Geroge. I was thrilled to go try Swig’s newest cookie the Dirt Ball but but Oatmeal + Chocolate chip w/pink frosting will forever be my #1. I even got my entire family hooked on it!


One of my favorite places in St. George is Urban Renewal. It is an antique/second hand store that I love to buy clothes/home trinkets at. We had to go back a couple times because we all love it so much.


We didn’t do the Parade of Homes but it’s one of my Dad’s FAVORITE things to just go LOOK at homes. So we drove around on Sunday for 2+ hours seeing different houses all around the valley. We came across this $4,000,000 (yes, 4 million dollar) home that was having an open house! It was incredible. Kinda sickening/amazing to think how much money people have! I mean imagine that view every morning?!


Sunday walks with my numba 1.


Fractured Prune in St. George is a must!
We were all sad when Lu girl left to go home. What was our life like before a grand baby in the family?! We are all a little overly obsessed with her.
And that’s a wrap.
Talk about a picture overload!