

Last week while we were in California we were able to go to DISNEYLAND!
Will’s mom, Jeni, was down in Newport as a chaperone for Will’s little sis & her friends on their Senior Trip and asked if we wanted to join her at Disneyland on her birthday.
If there’s anyone that does Disney right it’s JENI.
We waited in zero lines.
We were going, going, going all day long and couldn’t have had a better time.
We happened to be there during the 60 year Diamond Celebration which was exciting! I love going to Disneyland when there is a fun theme going on. Going when Halloween decorations are up might be my absolute favorite though!  I am a sucker for Halloween time.
Jensen and Will having a little dance battle before we entered the park hahaha.


Jensen, my sis Iz and her husband Alex also joined us which made it all the better.
(it also makes it all the better when more people come so i can take more bites of the treats they all order 😉


We can’t resist a churro out of the Willie’s Churro stand!
Obviously this was our first stop. And then the Toy Story ride right after! Will finally beat me at it.. I will redeem myself next time!


Probably my favorite section of the ENTIRE park is Cars Land/Radiator Springs.
We’ve been babysitting these cute little babies a lot lately and Cars is the ONLY show they will watch. So since we have watched Cars approximately 20 times in the past 2 months it was so amazing to see how spot on everything is.


I mean LOOK at Flo’s Cafe!
Just the cutest.
You would never expect this, but the Chili in Cars Land is SO good!
Will’s mom bought one for us all to share and it took everything in me not to go just buy one for myself.


Hahaha no comment. Literally have zero idea.


My dad gave Jensen a certain amount of money for the park to last him all day so I loved watching him counting his coins and bills all day to always make sure he had enough to last.
One thing (if you can’t tell yet) that I LOVE about Disney is their SIGNAGE!
All the signs throughout both parks are adorable.

I mean how amazing is that Ice Cream sign?!
For lunch we ate at a cafe (can’t remember the name) over by Splash Mountain and I LOVED IT! Obviously I base how much I love restaurants around how good their sweet potato fries are so yes.. this place is good.


I found a post from Picky Palate about her favorite Disneyland eats so while we were over by Splash Mountain I HAD to stop by Pooh’s Corner and try this peanut butter dessert she said she loved.
IT WAS SO GOOD! But you definitely have to be a peanut butter lover to enjoy it.
(thank you Jensen for buying this for me with your dollars and coins haha true sibling love)


Somehow I hopped off of Splash Mountain completely dry and I turn around and this is Will lol. Just absolutely DRENCHED. How does that even happen?!
They made some updates on Matterhorn so I was excited to try it.
Still hate it…


These boys keep me laughing.
Will’s face… so frightening.


Boudin’s bread bowls… YUM YUM YUM.


If you saw my Instagram you saw I jokingly did this so I didn’t have to buy any Mickey ears.
It’s hard to go to Disneyland on a budget because even a water bottle is $3-4!!
Bring in your own water bottle because they have tons of drinking fountains! I had no idea…. and share all of your food! Or bring it in too. I had my backpack full of snacks to munch on in line.


My splurge of the day was this dang corn dog. For some reason I JUST LOVE THESE CORNDOGS! Hand dipped and full of goodness.



I forgot how adorable Storybook Land was! It is now one of my absolute favorite rides. They even added Arendelle from Frozen which I’m sure all the little kids die over… or maybe I did.. either one.
 Mark my words Frozen will have an entire section of the amusement park in a matter of years.


Thanks for the memories Disneyland!
Crossing my fingers I get to see this happy place again soon.
And those dang corndogs.
My white dress is from ASOS (about two years ago. Similar version here)
My nikes are the Flyknit Roshe Runs
My black sweatshirt is $7 right now at GAP(!!)