The phrase March Madness adequately describes this month so far for sure. Sometimes I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants. Running from meeting to meeting, seeing friends from time to time aaand seeing Will for a total of 1 hour during the week (I wish that was a joke haha). But hey! The busier I am the happier I am. That’s just my personality.
However, I wish time didn’t go by so dang fast!(p.s. we are obsessed with our Thread Wallets. we never carry a wallet anymore!)
This month Karli and I did a closet sale! I liked doing it with Karli because she had all the cute clothes and no one knew which ones were mine because most of my clothes are hand-me-downs from my sisters or borrowed from my Mom (perks of her working at Anthropologie haha!) but it was fun to work together and do something we’ve always wanted to do!
Those closet sales are A LOT of work but definitely worth it. Thank you for all of those who supported us! We are planning on putting our proceeds towards something super neat so stay tuned for that.
Sunset walks with friends.
Can’t get enough of Ivie Juice bar in Provo. I love the Beach Babe. If you are ever around there, go!
And probably the craziest part of this month was babysitting these 2 cute babes again! They are 10 months apart and definitely a HANDFUL. But they are also extremely cute. We babysat them for 8 days while the rest of their family went to on vacation.
Last Friday I met up at RYE downtown SLC one morning with a friend I’d never met from Instagram haha! That breakfast was HANDS down one of the best breakfasts I have ever had. I couldn’t stop talking about it haha.
My siblings and my mom’s entire side of the family has this trait where we LOVE talking about good food. It’s a sickness really. I feel guilty if I don’t share where the good stuff is… hence Utah Grubs.
Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving is a must-see!!
So many neat activities for kids of all ages.
Or even me and Will haha. It took everything in us not to race through those rope courses….
A couple months ago, Liv and Hope reached out to me and let me know about their story and how they are trying to better afford adoption for their family. After babysitting these babies so much their story really hit home for me. I mean, who knows! Maybe Will and I will adopt one day. I love the entire idea of it.
If any of you feel like supporting her and her family you can purchase shirts on their website. All proceeds go towards adoption fees. I have the LIVE WITH LOVE shirt and love it. Always nice to know you are helping a family achieve their dreams for their family.
I know I have posted that above quote before but it seriously is the BEST reminder to me always. The internet is a frightening place. Horrific. Saddening. But it also a place where I can feel uplifted and where I can connect with people I couldn’t elsewhere. So I hope that we can all remember to just be a little kinder. I struggle with it sometimes too. But every time I see this quote I immediately remember that we are all trying to figure out this life thing together.