

Hello hello!
I am in serious denial we are halfway through April. Anyone else?
I went on a run in a tank top Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning I looked out my window at 6 a.m. to see there was 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground!! And now today is Friday and the weather is sometimes windy cold and sometimes warm. I’m just very confused.
 My wardrobe is currently a huge debate everyday. I keep on putting my winter clothes away just to pull them back out the next day haha!



In March my job announced some exciting news that we are coming to Salt Lake City proper! For those that don’t know what Google Fiber is see here.
Long story short, it is gigabit internet & TV from fiber optic lines placed through out the city. It’s amazing! If you are in Austin, Provo, Nashville, Durham, SLC, Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, or Kansas City consider yourself lucky.


Since I’ve been able to work in SLC a day or two a week now it has become apparent how bad my issue is with Banbury Cross donuts haha.. I can’t drive past that place without pulling in.
There’s something about that blueberry donut that makes my heart siiiing!



Will’s been on his INTENSE study grind so one night when I was bored (may or may not have been a Friday night..) I started craftin it up by myself! I made this doormat from a Pinterest tutorial.
A little too summer-ish for right now but hey.. I eat watermelon year round so it’s justifiable right??



Lu is getting way too big way too fast and it’s makin me mad.


We are also loving this book! Have you ever taken the color test?
Take it! I’m red. Will’s blue. What are you?


My entire life I have thought that this temple is the absolute prettiest thing in downtown SLC and that thought is confirmed every single time I see it.


Could you not eat her?!


We were on a healthy kick for a bit with our Blendtec but now we are on that milkshake kick. Whooops. In this we had Girl Scout Samoa cookies, coffee ice cream, milk & hershey’s syrup. Mmmm.
I have fructose malabsorption (fructose makes my stomach bloat out huge.. so if you think I’m pregnant I’m not I promise haha!) so the high fruit smoothies actually make my stomach hurt a bit. But I’m not mad about more milkshakes LOL.



And lastly last weekend I headed down to Vegas for two of my friends Bachelorette parties.
What do ten Mormon girls (half of them married) do while in Vegas you ask?
Uhhh eat of course. Aaaand stay in a cheap Airbnb twenty minutes away from the strip hahaha.
I made it a big ordeal that we HAD to go to Shake Shack. I’ve been DYING to try it and I swear it was the best burger I’ve ever had. As in I was licking my finger’s afterwards… I’m so embarrassing.
 I just got the classic Shack Burger and loved it!


Karl gets married in June and Michaela gets married in a couple weeks!
Saturday night we all dressed up, went to a delicious Mexican restaurant, and then realized how awful Vegas is when you don’t drink or gamble. HAHA jk. Vegas is fun because it has PinkBerry. Which is where we were at 1 a.m….





And besides that we have basically been doing the same old things.
Eating ice cream cones, studying, baking, working, and chillin.
New lip gloss brought to you by Dairy Queen.




Just realizing right now this post truly had no point whatsoever lol. I’ve just been uploading some pictures from the last little while!
My biggest fear is all of my pictures being deleted one day so at least I know I will have them on here!!
Hope everyone’s Spring has been great so far! Anyone have a good book recommendation for meee?
Outfit details: 
Yellow top: Madewell (old)
Clogs: Swedish Hasbeens (from Urban)
Yellow floral top: Anthro (old)
Floral skirt: Soel Boutique
Black Floral Dress: ASOS (on sale!)
Karli’s Black dress: Madewell
Gray & White Striped Top: Old Navy