not so cool


I think in the blogging world (also, can we admit how strange this world is?!) it is so extremely simple to make your life seem glamorous and happy-go-lucky all the time.
I am not going to write about the times Will and I get in a fight or the struggles or hurt I have sometimes.
I choose to write about the good.. the happy! Because if we all wrote about what makes us sad we would always leave our computer/phone screens feeling worse than we already do.
A huge goal of mine with blogging has always been to try to SHARE HAPPINESS. To be a source of good. However, sometimes I fear that makes me come off as though my life is perfect in way too many far fetched ways.
A couple weeks ago I while lookin around on the gram I found an account titled @wearealluncool and couldn’t have loved it more. Because it’s so true! I know for one I am very uncool. I spill on my clothes EVERY TIME I eat, I have some hideous toes, and I trip down stairs in public more than I like to admit.
After seeing that Instagram I decided that for fun today I am going to share some of the “un-cool” parts of my life.
1. This is the “cottage” door.
In pictures you always see the doormat but not the actual door and here it is! It’s so scuffed and old. This doesn’t make me love my life/place any less but sometimes I see people MY AGE building their own homes and I’m over here all befuddled like “Heyyyy here’s my door!”(Also, if you’re wondering it was my landlord that named this place The Cottage. I would’ve named it “Quaint Little Tuff Shed” but he got the naming rights first lol..) 

2. I was driving and singing at the top of my lungs last week and this happened and I swore really loud



3. Our stove top has tin foil on it and I didn’t know stove tops still had tin foil on them  



4. I have never eaten a meal without getting food on myself or my clothes 

No matter HOW HARD I try Will always says “Oh sweeeetie. You have chocolate all over your nose.”


5. We use our dishwasher as our storage space 

Our place honestly just doesn’t have the sufficient storage we need! So since our dishwasher doesn’t work we use it as the storage and it works like a CHARM.
6. Welcome to the cottage bathroom
Very scary 70’s tileage goin on
7. I walk around Holladay and read intense Dan Brown novels 

Our home teachers came over on Sunday and picked up this book and said “Will! How are you liking this book?” He replied “Oh.. that’s actually Olivia’s.” 
I also may or may not have written a note to Dan Brown last year telling him how much I appreciated his novels… so there’s that.
8. I NEVER listen to top-radio. 
I listen to self-help books on my commute to/from work
Right now I’m listening to 10% Happier by Dan Harris and I love it!
Maybe I have a thing for Dan’s???
9. When I am outside & running one eye is ALWAYS closed
Literally don’t know why but my right eye won’t open HAHA. So sensitive.
Sooo let’s just not talk about them. Long story short, we had one when I was a little girl and somehow I’ve been scarred for life ever since.

So yeah basically this list could go on for days but overall I just thought it would be fun to point out how my life isn’t as cool as people might think it is.
In one of the posts on this Instagram account it says,
“Don’t worry about being cool… love yourself and others will love you just the way you are.”
Couldn’t agree more.
Brace yourself. Love what you have. And STOP comparing yourself to others.
What makes you “uncool”? We could have some fun with this one!ALSO! Happy Earth Day everyone!!
Oh how I love this earth we live on. 

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