i love will


The other day I was in my parents basement going through my old boxes of things and came across a green and white football with “MAKE” written on it in big Sharpie.. I sat there and seriously forgot why in the world I had this football saved.I was about to throw it out and then it hit me…


Because I feel bad about how I almost completely forgot how he asked me, I thought I’d write it down.

Nobody in the world probably cares but hey.. at least it’s written down somewhere!

The asking process (yes, this was a long process) began on a Monday night when the doorbell rang and there was this piece of paper that said “YOU” on it taped to a big pizza box.
I was so confused but went to bed hoping there would be something the next night to explain why this was all there was.


The next night after the doorbell rang there was a football on my porch with the word MAKE on it.
Will and I loved watching football & eating pizza together so I knew it had to be him (even though he would lie to me claiming it wasn’t!) but I was still left perplexed.


Wednesday night the piece of paper said ME on it with ______ yeah sooooo to be dead honest I can’t remember for the life of me what he had with ME. And neither does Will LOL. But it said ME okay??


But of course I remember the sugar cookie night lol.
  Thursday night there were 5 Blimpie Sugar Cookies with the letters S-U-P-E-R next to them. Blimpie cookies were mine and Will’s FAVORITE. We seriously went there every day for lunch if we left campus.


And on Friday there was a paper with  “HAPPY” on it and a newspaper tied up with a big red bow next to it.


After unraveling the newspaper I found the above note.

I still remember how LONG it took for me to find the message in the newspaper!


Phewf it wasn’t the ad above it!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. I just barely noticed that and I’m dying.
Anyyyways.. about 10 minutes later I received a text from my friend Kate saying,
“I’m picking you up at 3:45. Don’t ask questions.” 
So I waited for Kate to pull up to my house, jumped in her car, and she took me to the first place where Will & I first held hands at This is The Place Heritage Park.
After I arrived, a train was there waiting for me with a darling little grandpa train conductor.
I hopped on and he drove me around the park and then pulled up to the Brigham Young House.
I walked inside and there was Will smiling all big holding a sign he made by himself…


And there it was!
Will’s week long event of asking me to Senior Prom haha.
After I said YES! (honestly this was a big engagement type situation LOL) we hopped back on the train and the conductor took us around the park in the rain.



Then we danced the night away a couple weeks later at the Masquerade themed prom.



Will looks at these pics and says “Nobody told me about my outfit…” LOL.
Love that silver vest babe!
Anyways, such a random post but loved this memory with Will. And this blog is for memories.