

Yesterday at dinner with Will’s family we all went around and said what we loved about big Willie since his birthday is today.
It truly warmed my heart seeing most of his families eyes well with tears as they spoke about Will and how he has impacted their life.
Everyone noted on the fact that he is kind, happy, hilarious, and most importantly such a great friend to anyone and everyone.
One of the things I love most about him is his genuine happiness.
If you think I am a happy person than you’ve never met Will.
He blows me out of the water in every category possible!!
I am grateful every single day that I am married to someone so much better than me. He teaches me the greatest life lessons every day of who I should strive to become and how I should respond to situations life throws my way.
A quick little story that I love about Will is how he received his name William West…..
5 weeks into his moms pregnancy, via an ultrasound, the doctors saw an enormous mass concealing him. Based on blood tests, the doctors discussed the possibility of a molar pregnancy and suggested abortion. His mom chose not to abort and at a healthy rate- the baby grew, the mass diminished and the blood tests improved.
During one of the doctors appointments, the doctor commented to his Mom and said,
“This baby has a real WILL to live,” 

and that is how he received his name, Will.
His middle name is a miracle as well actually.
At 31 weeks, his mom Jeni was in Utah visiting family preparing to return home to North Carolina where they were living at the time (his Dad was going to Duke).
Jeni was bothered by some slight contractions and decided to go see a doctor. While she was there the doctors face turned pale and concluded that the baby was about to be delivered prematurely.
Baby Will was transverse breach and Jeni was fully dilated ready to go. Will arrived via emergency C-section shortly thereafter, unexpectedly born 7 weeks premature at the end of his moms family vacation out West.
Happy birthday William West.
You’re my miracle!