bear lake


This Labor Day was definitely one for the books!
The weekend started out at the Utah football game against Michigan up at Rice Eccles Stadium. There’s something about college football that makes me jump inside.
I love everything about it! The game, the food, the lights, the food, the fans, the food.
On Friday, I worked from all day because Kaskade came to play in Provo! For free!
Let me just say it was INSANE to see so many people show up in Provo for that concert.
Yes, Provo Utah. Kaskade concert. In Provo, Utah.
My boss took me to meet him before the concert which was so fun.
He sure was a cool dude.
After work on Friday, Will and I drove up the canyon to stay the night at Hotel Park City.
We have been “dog sitting” our neighbors dogs while they were on vacation during the summer and in exchange they gave us a night for free up at their timeshare!
Hotel Park City really is so dang nice.


I woke up early and went on a run up to Deer Valley and it really was the quickest 6 mile run I’ve ever done.
I was so distracted by how pretty everything was that the run was over before I even knew it.
Those are my kind of runs!


We had breakfast at Atticus on Main Street on Saturday morning.
I had the Honey Bee Protein bowl and it was delicious. It had bananas, soy milk, peanut butter, granola and honey. Will had an egg breakfast bagel and it was not so delicious.
 So if you go, be sure to stick to the smoothies!



All weekend long Will’s mom had a booth up at Swiss Days.
She does it every year and is such an incredible artist/crafter.
Her gift show is coming up quick in Holladay so make sure you come!
First weekend in October at Holladay City Hall.


After Swiss Days we drove up to Bear Lake and spent Saturday & Sunday with my family. It has gotten so much colder up there so boating was not an option which I was super bummed about.
But we did have Raspberry shakes, went on walks, played games the backyard, watched movies and went to church.
Eliza & Josh are in Cabo all week so we had Luella with us 24/7!
To say that I’m obsessed with her would be a complete understatement.
A fun part about living in Utah is that there’s always a new mountain to go hike or a new lake to go find!
We did Cecret Lake at Alta the morning of Labor Day and it was breathtaking.
Does anyone have a hike they LOVE in Utah?
I’m looking to do one on Saturday!



It’s so weird to see one of my favorite ski resorts without any of the snow.
The colder weather does get me SUPER excited for ski season though.
And we ended Labor Day with SOCCER GOLF! (did you see it on my snapchat? I need to calm down on snapchat I know I know)
At Mulligan’s in South Jordan you can literally play golf with soccer balls. I am awful at any sport that involves at ball but I had SO much fun. If you live near South Jordan you gotta try it.
Hope everyone else had a good Labor Day too!
outfit details:
Patagonia Hat: Urban Outfitters
Black workout romper: GAP Fit
Black swim top: Old Navy