

Warmer Days // Willivia

Last week was my first TBT post and I actually loved the idea of finding an old picture and reflecting on that certain memory or day.

So I might try to keep this up! We’ll see how long I last lol.

I love this picture above because….

a.) it reminds me of the sun which I totally forgot existed on this planet earth

b.) it reminds me of our HONEYMOON!!

We spent our honeymoon in Scottsdale, AZ and I loved every second of it. We went the week after all the schools fall breaks so we pretty much had the resort all to ourselves.

I laid by the pool all day and Googled which restaurant we’d eat our 5th meal at while Will spent the majority of the time studying inside our hotel room…

He had a Physiology and Organic Chemistry test the morning we got back from our honeymoon so he studied his heart out and hardly got to relax.

I love this picture because it reminds me of when we were able to relax together, write in our journals about our wedding day while it was fresh on our minds, hog the waterslide since no other adults were using it, and drink piña coladas with #noregrets.

So there’s today’s TBT.

Kinda boring but I never want to forget this day.
