

Crazy Weekend // WilliviaCrazy Weekend // Willivia Crazy Weekend // Willivia

Crazy Weekend // Willivia

Crazy Weekend // Willivia Crazy Weekend // Willivia

I think it’s safe to say that this past week was one of the craziest weekends of my entire life!

Will and I were planning on babysitting the Raybould’s Wednesday-Sunday and we were so excited about it! I am spending my mornings with James & Jacob these days but we love the older kids too and were so excited to hang with them lots.

On Wednesday, I picked up the older kids carpool and could feel my joints starting to ache. I refused to believe this could be the flu coming on and tried so hard to fight it but then sure enough I started getting the chills…. and felt super nauseous…

One of the worst feelings is feeling the flu come on!

I climbed into bed around 4pm and was out for the count.. I was throwing up, sleeping like crazy and couldn’t walk 5 steps without feeling like I just ran a marathon.

Luckily Will worked from home on Thursday so he was able to hold down the fort while I laid in bed and rested it all off… and visited the bathroom far too many times.

I finally felt better Thursday evening. Only then to find Anna (16 years old) run downstairs around midnight exclaiming that she was having a skin reaction again. This was her 7th reaction in the past 4 years and they are so BAD!

Her aunt took her to the ER Thursday night but when she came back on Friday it was only getting worse. I took her to some Dermatology appts on Friday but we ended up at the ER again on Friday night. Which resulted in a hospital stay until Monday afternoon.

I am so grateful for modern medicine, kind nurses, Preisthood blessings, helping hands from the Raybould’s extended family and of course Will.. who wrangled 4 kids back at home while I spent time with Anna in the hospital.

She is on the mend now… but boy oh boy do I feel spent this week!

And I didn’t go through a fraction of what Anna did.

Now let’s hope we can figure out what the heck is happening to her!


Outfit details:

My pineapple socks are from WOVEN PEAR and I love love love them! Have you seen their cute assortment of socks? I also got the whale ones hehe.

Plum sweater is from Old Navy (in clearance section for $8) and glasses are from Warby Parker. Pink sweater from the Nordstrom Rack in Sugar House ($13).