albion fit

What a Saturday!

What a Saturday

Yesterday was such a CRAZY, fun-filled day.

I woke up at 5:50am, arrived to my bosses house by 6:30 and then we drove up together for a news segment at 7am on Ensign Peak.

After the segment we zoomed down to City Creek to set up for our High Fitness event that started at 8am. This workout is so much fun if you haven’t tried it yet! Our goal is to have even MORE people at the next event so be sure to come if you are in the area! (These are free events, people!) 

What a Saturday What a Saturday

After the event, we cleaned everything up and then some co-workers and Will and I headed down to Lone Peak to volunteer at the Special Olympics!

(of course I stopped at Orange Peel on my way down.. it’s impossible for me to pass that place and NOT get off the freeway..)

What a Saturday

During the Special Olympics we all helped out with Healthy Athletes. The athletes would come in after they were done competing in the games and we would do health screenings (i.e. calculate BMI, educate on healthy foods, perform physical therapy tests etc.) and there was even a vision section to help them evaluate possible better vision options.

How amazing is the Special Olympics organization? Honestly!

I absolutely LOVED volunteering and am sad the Special Olympics only happens once a year in Utah. If anyone has volunteer projects they love to participate in please let me know! We are always on the hunt for different organizations to be apart of.

What a Saturday

And from the Special Olympics I went straight to a hair appointment because we had to get all fancy for the Charity Vision Fight Night. Albion was one of the main sponsors of the evening and MAN DID I LOVE WILL IN A TUX OR WHAT?! HOW HANDSOME DID HE LOOK? I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. And I also felt like I was going to Senior Prom sooo ?

What a Saturday What a Saturday What a Saturday

The fights were entertaining, the food was tasty and we loved mingling with some good friends. The evening raised over a million dollars from the silent auction which is SO incredible! Charity Vision is another amazing organization if you are looking into donating time or money.

What a Saturday

And then after the event we stopped by In N’ Out because it just sounded so good to me after the longest day ever. The tacos at the Fight Night were delicious but small (and I felt like I’d look stupid if I literally grabbed four plates of tacos and nachos and churros) so In N’ Out it was!!

What a Saturday

Perfect way to top off a crazy day. Because what’s more classy than eating a burger in a fancy dress?




My dress for Fight Night was from a flea market in California.. $20 and it fit like a charm! I’m all about that!!!