new years resolutions

Resolution Check-In

Resolution Check-in

July is such an odd time of year to think of NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. But it’s also a great time to realize you are half way through the year so it’s a great time to do a little check-in!

Yesterday morning around 4:45am I woke up with the WORST stomach ache. I couldn’t fall back asleep so I went into the bathroom and let’s just say I stayed there for a couple hours. 24 hour flu! Again! I just had the flu in February so this was a major bummer for me.

I feel like I hardly get sick but I heard marathon training hurts your immune system? Can anyone confirm or deny this? Woof.

I tried to tough it out and ran a work errand in the morning but then I came straight home, practically ran to my bed and slept form 11am-6pm.

Will brought me some ibuprofen and water (two things I went all day without… we didn’t have any at home and I felt like I could NOT leave the house without fainting so that was my fault) but I felt a little better before I went down to bed around 10pm.

For the couple hours I was awake yesterday I was able to finish Harry Potter (#4!), take a tub and basically stare at my ceiling and think.

I thought about we are already half way through the year. How crazy is that? I also thought about my resolutions and if I am on track to complete some of them by the end of the year or not.

So as far as a little check-in goes….

I have read 1-2 books per month ✔️

Kept up to date on the news: ✔️

(thanks to the Skimm! my favorite source of news! go sign up!)

Overall developed more patience: ✔️

Spent significanlty less time on social media: ✔️

Attended the temple more: ✔️

But there are also lots that I have yet to complete/even get around to working on. So since I still have plenty of time I’m glad yesterday I realized that it’s never to late to tackle those resolutions! I opened my journal, reminded myself what I have to work on, woke up with my joints not aching and my stomach still mad at me but ready to tackle the last 6 months of the year!

Hopefully with no more cases of the flu ??

Go get em’ tigers
