st. george

Conference Weekend 2016

Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016 Conference Weekend 2016

Conference weekend is always one of the best weekends.

It was a time I was able to spend with my family down in St. George and enjoy a much needed relaxing couple of days.

On our way down to Provo we stopped by CHOM Burger and loved it! It was definitely similar to Shake Shack which is exactly what Utah has been needing.

Saturday morning I joined Will for a couple holes of golf and then ran a couple miles of the St. George marathon with my friend, Mary. She killed it! IF I ever do another marathon I definitely want to do St. George. It is an incredibly beautiful course.. however, I still need a couple years to recover 😉

The rest of the weekend was spent reading, hiking, watching conference, eating Chicago Mix popcorn and enjoying the last couple days of warm weather.

When we arrived home on Sunday evening, Will and I decided to take my two little brothers on a short hike. We drove up to Neff’s canyon but right when we got there the skies become immediately dark and stormy. We still went up anyways because we wanted to do the rope swing but on our way down we could hardly see a thing. However, it was so incredible to see all the lightning from up above the valley. Luckily we got in the car right before the HUGE storm came.

I must admit. I am a sucker for a good Fall thunderstorm.

Hope everyone has a good start to their week! Remember to smile and be positive no matter what life is throwing at you these days. That’s all I am trying to do at least.
