i love will

My Valentine

Willivia // My Valentine

Oh, how I loved Valentine’s day yesterday.

Will and I were able to spend the entire day together. We grabbed some smoothies in the morning, worked together side by side while watching a movie, ate lunch at a yummy new ramen place we found (even though I was on a conference call the entire lunch ? sorry sweetie!!) and then ate dinner at Market Street Grill which is our absolute favorite place to celebrate! Their french fries and Diet Coke are life.

I am so grateful for Will every single day. He is always so positive and literally gives me the biggest hug every time I walk through the door. No joke.. my feet actually come off the floor every single time because his hugs are soo big. I joke that I’ll never need a dog because Will is always so excited to see me even if we’ve been apart for only an hour haha.

He is optimistic, loving, caring, thoughtful, and my favorite thing about him is that he ALWAYS gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. He never talks bad about anyone and I look up to him in so many ways.

So grateful I have this Valentine with me for the rest of my life.

I truly do hope you all had a great Valentine’s day! I hope we all can take the love we felt yesterday and put it back into this world.
