
Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Will and I have definitely been going a million miles a minute lately. Although I LOVE traveling, I’m excited for a month at home to just work and relax. We have so many projects that we’ve been wanting to do lately so I’m excited to have some time to cross them off!

(ps THIS SUITCASE is a total game changer for traveling! I’ve never been so obsessed with a suitcase in my whole life. I’m also always so shocked at how much I can fit in there! And it charges my phone ??)

Final Four // Arizona

Anyways, last week we came home from being in Arizona for the week. Will’s dad, Jeff, helps out at the Final Four every year so we were able to tag along this year! Jim Nantz and Jeff became great friends while they worked at KSL together (local Utah station) back in the day. They have remained great friends ever since so Jim flies Jeff out every year to help him during all the events associated with The Final Four. The Final Four is normally held on the east coast so we loved having it so accessible for us this year!

Will and I still had to work all week but there’s nothing like working in the sunshine next to the pool, right?! ?

Final Four // Arizona

We came to Gilbert on our honeymoon and still love it! It’s such a cute little row of restaurants with great food (and signage!).

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Cute Jeff!

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Too many acai bowls to count.

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Note to self: If you want to look like you have much longer legs than you really do, stand on a little mound/hill hahahaha. Before you know it you’re lengthened out. #notmad

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Still reading this.. am I the only one that likes it!? I’ve had so many mixed reviews but I love it. Maybe because Ove reminds me so much of my German grandpa.. but I think the author is wonderful!

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

Final Four // Arizona

The only bummer of the trip was who won… Sorry UNC fans out there but I was really pulling for Gonzaga!! I always love a good underdog. But I also cheer for anyone but UNC haha.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.



Metallic Birkenstocks (I promise you. I’ve never received more complimented on an article of clothing than on these shoes!! Haha)

Jeans (sold out) BUT Articles of Society jeans are my favorite and are on sale like crazy right now!

White Cotton Courier Shirt


Purple Sweater