4th of july

Life Lately

Life Lately // Willivia

Life with our little girl seems to be going fast. However, at the same time, I feel like I’ve known our daughter for what seems like years if not forever. Time is a funny thing… and a big thief.

Here are some pictures of what we’ve been up to lately!

Life Lately // Willivia

For Memorial Day weekend, we went down to St. George which was our daughter’s first trip ever! She slept the entire car ride both ways which was what we were most stressed about. We spent our days relaxing in the warmer weather and watching a whole lot of basketball.

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

My friend Eleanor brought a film camera so it’s been so fun to see the images come back! Her baby is coming in August and I can’t wait for my daughter to have a bestie!

(details: gingham swimsuit, sunglasses, romper)

We’ve also been gearing up for my favorite holiday! We’re heading up to Bear Lake for the 4th and I CANNOT wait to show my girl my favorite place on earth. It’s now such a hard time of year because it was my Poppy’s favorite but I can’t wait to show her his “kingdom” as he liked to call it. I can’t believe it will be a year since his passing this week 💔

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

My daughter also got to meet my best friend Karli’s baby little boy! They are in town from San Francisco and I’m trying everything in my power to get them to move back… LinkedIn please open up an office in SLC, thank you.

Life Lately // Willivia

(details: red romper (old. from nest boutique), brown sandalssailboat dress, romper)

Life Lately // Willivia

Another thing we’re loving lately is our WALKS! Holladay has been especially beautiful lately and I love getting out every day with our daughter to see the sunshine and pretty homes. Her age is a little hard though because I never know how long I can go out for! Some days she’ll last a long time and some days she hates it haha. Always so unpredictable.

Life Lately // Willivia

(I took this picture on my iPhone! I’m so obsessed with it!)

Life Lately // Willivia

A favorite home of mine.

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

I’ve tried going on some runs and it’s just not going well. There are times I get discouraged that I’m so out of shape but then I realize that I just gave birth to a nine-pound human and understand why hahaha. For now, my walks will do ☺ and for now I’ll walk WHEREVER in these running shoes! If you haven’t shopped at Outdoor Voices yet, use this link to get $20 off your first order over $100.

(details: stroller, yellow shirt, birkenstocks, pink running shoes)

Life Lately // Willivia

I’ve also come to realize how incredible it is to see how much people love your baby. As soon as I walk in anywhere people immediately run to her and give her all the attention and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She is so loved and I feel so grateful for that!

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

It’s also wedding (and baby) season and I couldn’t be happier about it. Why do weddings (and babies) make me so incredibly happy??

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

I’ve also been busy kissing these cheeks all day… which is basically the best thing ever.

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

And last weekend we had a college friends reunion up in Deer Valley! 18 of us traveled from all over the country to be together and it was seriously the best weekend ever. How is it that I started college 8 years ago? Once again, where in the world does the time go?? We are all spread out now so being all together again was a dream come true.

Willivia // Life Lately

Willivia // Life Lately

Willivia // Life Lately

Yep, we’re all obsessed with them.

Life Lately // Willivia

Life Lately // Willivia

And I’m obsessed with her!

Okay, that’s all for now. Now that was a lot of photos! If you made it to here I’m proud. Bear Lake photos will come next week ☺


(details: sailboat dress, brown sandals,  pink onesies brown sunglasses)