
Christmas 2018

Willivia // Christmas

You really can’t beat baby’s first Christmas! The entire Christmas season was straight up magic with our daughter and I know it’s only going to get better when she gets older and can understand more! This Christmas season was different than any other previous year… in the best way possible.


This picture of her and Santa together kills me! She’s like “what do you mean I only get one present?!” hahaha.

Willivia // Christmas 2018

I was really intrigued to see if our daughter would start crawling the second we set up our Christmas tree but fortunately she didn’t. I was able to soak up one last year with a Christmas tree that’s not ransacked by toddlers haha. But she did start crawling this week so YAY!


I also love the Christmas season because I get to see so many friends that come into town for the holidays! My friend Sarah throws a friend brunch every year and it’s the best thing to see everyone.

Willivia // Christmas 2018
Willivia // Christmas 2018

Hands down my favorite memory all of Christmas ❤️

Willivia // Christmas 2018
Willivia // Christmas 2018

Our December calendar was filled with so many activities with family and friends which I never mind because it’s one of my favorite things about the season. Luckily our daughter THRIVES off of human interaction and loves being out and about so she didn’t mind oooneeee bit haha.


We loved talking to our missionary siblings too. Jake is serving in Cambodia and Jensen is in Peru! Both doing so well and it was amazing to hear from them.

Willivia // Christmas 2018
Willivia // Christmas 2018

On Christmas day, I accidentally left my phone at home all day and it was seriously the best thing ever (I might do it on purpose every year from here on out) so this is the only picture we got the entire day and I love seeing our little family of 3 all together. Will left to start driving to California with some of his family Christmas night so this is the only picture we got! I am so grateful for them and all the happiness they bring to my life.

California pictures next!

Love you all,
