family time

Skiing with Our Daughter!

Growing up, my dad would take us skiing every Saturday in winter and it’s one of my all-time favorite past times! I’ve been dreaming of the day I could teach my own kids how to ski and finally taking our daughter the other week was a dream come true.


WILLIVIA // Skiing

We stayed up at the brand new Snowpine Lodge at Alta Ski Resort and it was seriously UNBELIEVABLE! I loved the food, location, and interior so much. I’m already aching to go up and stay there again!

WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing

This picture is worth a thousand words… Despite her face, I think she actually loved it. I know many find skiing with a baby dangerous so rest assured, we went on a baby ski hill twice and were done. Probably 15 minutes total! And I didn’t want her in the cold for too long anyway so it was perfect to give her a quick little taste of skiing.

WILLIVIA // Skiing

One of my favorite past times with Will was skiing too! We went all the time in High School and love that it is something we enjoy to do together.

WILLIVIA // Skiing

I can’t wait to see her on her own baby skis one day! I’ll melt in a puddle.

WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing

We went up there to feature their restaurant Swen’s which is a new favorite of mine. If you are local to Utah, please go and try their brussels sprouts! Thank you.

WILLIVIA // Skiing

Now let’s get on to the interior of this place. I loved all the earthy tones they used and the ART! The art was my favorite! I wish I knew each artists name so I could give them credit.

WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing

When I posted this picture on Instagram and said that Will haaaaates when I call him buddy I had so many people agreeing with me! I guess he’s not the only one… haha. It must be a guy thing to hate it!

WILLIVIA // Skiing

I do know a lot of the art was by Jane Durham and now it’s my new life goal to own one of her pieces.

WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing

My favorite piece of all! Those are little skiers!

WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing
WILLIVIA // Skiing

Isn’t it all so beautiful? Makes me not so mad winter seems like it’s here to STAY in Utah…

We are off to warmer weather this weekend and I cannot wait!

-Love Liv

Outfit details

Chunky sweater

Blue Jeans

Grey beanie

Ugg boots

Ski coat: Roxy and I’ve worn it since I was in the 8th grade!!!! Holla! 😂