
Girls Trip!

Willivia // Girls Trip

Last week we had the BEST TIME with all of our friends in California! My friend MaryAnne just had a baby and we all had to fly out to meet sweet baby Elle!


Willivia // Girls Trip

Although I have to admit I was SO nervous to go on a three day trip without Will, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. My daughter and I bonded more than ever and we seriously had so much fun together. I feel like we left a mother/daughter duo and came home BEST FRIENDS! I hope that never changes!


But how are we not expected to best friends when our afternoons looked like this?

Willivia // Girls Trip

If there’s one thing I learned for sure, it’s that my daughter LOVES the beach. The water was pretty cold but she seriously couldn’t get enough of it. Hardly anyone was actually in the water and she kept going back for more. I couldn’t keep her out! It was the cutest thing to watch. Will now only calls her Moana…..


Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip

She was so mad whenever I picked her up out of the sand haha. Looks like we need to plan some more trips to the beach!

Willivia // Girls Trip

We stayed in Monarch Beach and the houses in that neighborhood are UNREAL. You know I loooove looking at homes so each morning she and I would walk around and I’d try not too be creepy taking pictures of every single house….


Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip

Overall it was the best couple of days with so many friends. I’m so grateful I have such a great group of friends to navigate through motherhood with. And yes, we were quite the sight to see with 5 babies at all times haha.

Willivia // Girls Trip
Willivia // Girls Trip

The face of a happy baby that we both survived that 7 AM flight! Next time lets have dad come on our flight, shall we? 😅


Outfit Details

Our swimsuits are both from Kortni Jeane

Neon striped swimsuit

Her floral pajamas


Her pink pajamas (my favorite pj’s of hers! so soft and affordable)


Her cloud pajamas