It still feels pretty surreal that we are finally HOMEOWNERS! The entire home buying process has been a pretty grueling one but we couldn’t be happier with where we ended up.

Will and I started looking for a home in July of 2017 and after walking through what felt like 100 homes we finally found the one that felt “perfect” for us.
We were actually under contract back in October on a different house (found out they accepted our offer on our five year anniversary actually!) and decided not to go through with it after realizing how much it would cost to get the home in working order/up to code.
Then we were pretty much under contract again in February (this time on Valentine’s day!) and decided it was a little out of our price range. It was so beautiful and we kept trying to justify it over and over again but knew it wasn’t the best financial decision for us to make. We wanted to be comfortable and not house poor. And although this house was “picture perfect” it stressed us out way too much to spend that much on a home!
And then we found this one in March…

From the second we stepped inside we knew it was right. It was right in our price range, a comfortable size and the perfect starter home. As we were walking through we both looked at each other at the exact same time and said “This is amazing.” and from that point on, we just felt good about it.
No, it’s not huge and glamorous and it doesn’t have a massive walk-in closet or some outrageous backyard with a pool (that I feel like everyone else’s homes on Instagram has)… but it is OURS. And it is PERFECT!!! I cannot wait for the many years of memories we are going to make in this home together.
We truly could not have done it without my aunt & realtor @Becky Diederich. She is SUCH an amazing agent so if you need someone in Utah you should totally message her! She has the perfect personality for an agent and she GETS THE JOB DONE. She is also so knowledgable about the entire process and we were completely clueless haha.
Now onto the fun part… moving! (no seriously I love moving so much)
Outfit details