happiness hack

Week Number 3: A Focus on Gratitude

Gratitude Willivia Blog

This week’s Happiness Hack (coming at you on a Wednesday instead of Monday hehe sorry!) is about shifting more of your focus towards an “attitude of gratitude”. I know this seems a little cliché and very overused but I REALLY want you to stop and think about it.. hear me out here.

This time of year is already getting SO busy. I am amazed at how many shops are already pushing their Black Friday sales on people, how many events are getting thrown on the calendar, and how rushed and stressed I already feel.

Then last night, I was walking in LAX by myself on my way home and I just felt so down in the dumps.

I was completely exhausted after my work trip, discouraged at how my body was feeling in regards to a growing bump (to everyone who told me the 2nd baby is harder on your body, I now totally understand!), and just overall SAD.

I wanted to be home already. I wanted to be with my daughter and Will. I was feeling guilty that I’m already leaving her again in two days for another trip. Just so many emotions going on!


And then out of nowhere… “JUST BE GRATEFUL!!!” popped into my head. I have no idea where it came from or why but I seriously almost started crying. I was standing there in the middle of the airport and decided that in that exact moment I was going to shift my mindset.

I was grateful I had the financial means to buy Christmas presents this year and grateful shops were giving me the opportunity to get a discount early.

Grateful I have family and friends wanting to get together for the holidays already.

Grateful I have a job that provides for our family and gives me opportunities that push me in my career.

Grateful I was PREGNANT! I am growing a human. Who cares if my body aches during the course of it.

Grateful I had a husband and daughter that I was so excited to get back to after my trip.

Grateful I have such amazing family close by to watch my daughter while Will and I go on one more trip with just the two of us before the next baby comes.


It helped me so much! I immediately didn’t feel sad anymore and felt so grateful for all the opportunities I had in my life.

Even though things can feel stressful at times, I truly believe shifting your attitude more towards gratitude rather than to negativity helps immensely.

That’s it for today! I hope this helps you guys this week ❤️
