new years resolutions

20 Things I Loved and Learned In 2020

There is no doubt in my mind that 2020 was difficult for everyone in some way, shape, or form. I know we all had times this year that we couldn’t see our friends and family, but on top of that, so many of us have had jobs impacted, mental and physical health negatively affected, natural disasters (hi I’ll never recover from that earthquake), a tense presidential election, postponed trips and/or weddings, and so much more.

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However, I will always look back on 2020 with fondness. Through all the tough times, I learned to be more resilient than ever, and tonight, I’m choosing to focus on the good rather than the bad.

So here are some things I loved and learned in 2020!

You can also see an article wrote for Deseret News on this similar topic here.

  1. Our baby boy  was born! Easily the highlight of 2020! How could I ever hate 2020 when it brought me him? Our daughter became a big sister and having a healthy family is the biggest blessing in my life.
  2. Will has yet to return back to his work office from his paternity leave in March and having him work from home is the BEST THING EVER. I selfishly hope he never goes back!
  3. I had 12 weeks of maternity leave from work and loved focusing on my family and not having to worry about work. It was AMAZING.
  4. I learned to never take for granted seeing my family or friends again. Visitors in our home make me so happy and I now enjoy every single one we get.
  5. After the earthquake, I focused on making my family more prepared in case any more natural disasters happen. More on this later!
  6. I potty trained our daughter and loved watching her soar into a kid. She took on the responsibility so well and I am so proud of her.
  7. I learned to not just believe what the media (and people around me) said about politics. I now take the time to research both viewpoints to become better educated and form my own opinions.
  8. We were still able to travel to Jackson Lake, Bear Lake, and Newport Beach! I look forward to these trips every year and am so glad we were able to still do them.
  9. I was made more aware of systemic racism and the problems it is still causing in the U.S. today. I made a vow to be better and do better.
  10. After my Pilates studio closed from COVID, I found a new pilates gig at a gym that I love and I’m so grateful to be there.
  11. I started an Expert Series on my Instagram where I learn so much from each Expert and am so grateful they’ve taken the time to teach us.
  12. I bought a new car I’ve been wanting for so long and am so pumped about it. Bucket seats are life!
  13. I learned that less was more. I pretty much donated or sold about half of our belongings. Best feeling ever!
  14. I developed a love for landscaping and gardening and loved spending so much time in our yard… especially during the Tiger King phase of quarantine.
  15. I started and finished the Book of Mormon and am grateful for the lessons I learn while reading it.
  16. I got promoted at work.
  17. Our daughter water skiied! Go ahead and laugh, but this was hands down one of my biggest highlights of 2020! I will NEVER forget her getting pulled behind that boat and not letting go! I laugh every single time I watch the video.
  18. Will and I celebrated 7 years and did an anniversary staycation at a place I’ve always wanted to stay.
  19. I learned to never take for granted seeing someone’s smile! When you can’t see their smile, try harder to make them smile! That’s my new philosophy.
  20. And for number 20, I am grateful that this year taught me more life lessons than any other year before! I learned more and grew more this year than I ever could have imagined.

So let’s give a warm welcome to 2021! Just please be nice and don’t shake the earth anymore.
