pay it forward

Pay it Forward

The other day I was asked for my address by a girl who follows me on social media. Although I hardly ever give my address out to anyone I don’t personally know, I looked at her profile and at our past direct messages throughout the years, etc., and felt comfortable sharing it with her.

A couple of days later, I returned home after running some errands to the most thoughtful, generous, and kind surprise package on my porch from her. I was floored. I was honestly speechless and felt completely shaken to my core. I immediately ran downstairs to show Will and started crying at the thoughtfulness. This gift came with no strings attached and a simple message that said “I felt like you needed this, thanks for being a light in this sometimes scary world”.

In that moment, I was quickly reminded of the kindness that is still all around! We constantly hear about the bad and the scary but good people are EVERYWHERE. We just need to focus on the good and strive to be that kind of human each and every day.

For the remainder of the night, all I could think about was how I could pay it forward to someone else… I was inspired to find ways to serve others and be as thoughtful as she was.

After thinking this through, I really want to start a Pay it Forward Challenge that we can all participate in for the next month.

Here is how it will work:

I want you to each Pay it Forward however you want. A couple of ideas are below. Once you do, I want you to fill out the form that I will link below.

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And then you will …


You can fill it out however many times you’d like to! I am so eager to see all of acts we do collectively and the impact it has on others.

Inside of the form, I have a section asking if you shared it on your Story. The point of sharing it on your Story is not to tag me so I can get more followers or brag about the nice things you’re doing (that isn’t what this is about!) … it’s so you can hopefully encourage others to do the same and inspire them to pay it forward in their own lives!

After you share, I want you to write down the number of views your Story received so we can add it all up at the end and see our reach!

At the end of the month, I hope we will all be inspired to keep paying it forward whenever we get the chance.

I will also be choosing someone who fills out the form to send a “favorite things” package to with all of my absolute favorite things! The box will be around $250.

Obviously, the gift is not the important part of this exercise, the giving is! But I do think a little incentive will hope the goodness spread more and more and more!

Let’s do this!!! Can’t wait to see all of the amazing things you guys do.
