
The Thirsty Mom!

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A couple of months ago, I decided to give sparkling water another (or a fourth?) try and ended up absolutely LOVING it?! I started trying different concoctions when I went on my daily Thirst run and one day, out of the blue, I decided to mix sparkling water, with mango puree, grapefruit, and fresh lemon together, and let’s just say, it was an absolute hit. I now go to get one pretty much every single day and wanted to share an at-home version for you out-of-Salt-Lake-City peeps!

If you ARE in Utah, you can just go to Thirst Drinks and order The Thirsty Mom! They made up the name and I love it so much 🤣

Here is what you will need.

  1. Okay, fine, pebble ice isn’t tooootally necessary but I love our pebble ice machine! I think it makes a difference but you do your thing with the ice.
  2. Sparking water – my sister Eliza LOVES her SodaStream if you want an easy way to make your sparking water at home!
  3. Fresh lemons – you could also try TruLemon if you want to!
  4. Grapefruit syrup
  5. Mango puree

As far as the ratio, for a 32 oz of sparkling water, use 3 pumps of the grapefruit syrup (about 2 tablespoons), 1 tablespoon of mango puree, and 1/3 of a fresh lemon or 2 wedges.

And the best part about making it from home? You can mix the ratios to your liking! Feel free to add more or less of whatever you want!

Hope you enjoy it.
