The other day, we had SLC Neat come over and help us organize the kids rooms since we are combining our daughter and son together before the baby comes. They did such an incredible job and I am so happy with how everything turned out.
I linked some of the items we used for organizing below!

Rainbow books forever! 🌈 I think this large bin is so beautiful too.

I had no clue that Neat Method actually has THEIR OWN SHOP with so many great things for organizing.
They used a lot of them in the rooms but I love how beautiful and functional everything is.

And of COURSE a highlight is seeing all of baby girls clothes out!
It’s bittersweet because it makes me miss little sis soo much but is also making me so excited to have another baby girl in my arms so soon!

Don’t mind our window blinds that are broken 🤪 but I love how their room turned out! I will link a couple things we have in each of the rooms here.

Thank you so much, SLC Neat Method! If you are local and want to use them too, mention my name to get a discount on their hourly rate!