
What I’m Using with Baby #3

Disneyland/Newport 2022

Somehow it’s already been two months since our baby daughter came into our lives! It’s been the best two months snugging this little bug as well as an adjustment to being a family of five!

After receiving a couple of questions asking what I’m using this time that I haven’t used in the past, I thought I would compile this list of 10 things that I feel like have been game changers at this stage I’m in.

Here you go!

  1. The Artipoppe Carrier – this carrier has been a game changer with my 3rd! Since I have two other little kids needing my attention more, I need to be as hands-free as possible while also still snuggling/keeping my baby close. I’ve loved this carrier that my friends have been raving about for so long. Some people ask, is it really thaaat different than, for example, the Ergo Baby?! Short answer: no. Long answer: I love that I can start babywearing in this one earlier. I first put her in it when she was 1 week old and it fit her perfectly. My friend also made a good point this other day… it’s more of a “complete the outfit look” rather than “ruin the outfit look” if that makes sense. It’s almost as if it’s a part of your outfit to make it cuter.. not uglier. But the quality is amazing and definitely worth the hype, in my opinion. Email me if you want a $58 discount code!
  2. Elvie Hands-Free Pump – another huge game changer has been the Elvie! I was skeptical about if I wanted to splurge on it but it has been sooo helfpul. ESPECIALLY at the beginning when my milk was coming in. I will pump a bottle when I’m running an errand, as I’m doing the dishes etc. Same as the first bullet point. Being hands-free is KEY! Especially with two other kids to take care of.
  3. Halo Bassinest – since we live in a three-bedroom home, I needed a bassinet for the first time since my daughter was going to be staying in our room longer! We’ve loved the Halo for these reasons: it is the height of my bed that makes feeding super easy, the Dockatot fits right inside (if you’re into that), and the mesh makes me feel like she’s is super safe sleeping in there. The cons: it’s huge, heavy, and a pain to store for people!
  4. Dockatot Cabana Cover – a fun addition to our Dockatot has been the cabana cover! I take it with me to the pool, to the beach, etc and she sleeps so well in a covered area that’s also netted for bugs.
  5. Target Nursing Bra – where was this bra with my first two?! Probably around I just didn’t know about it. But I’m soo glad I do know because I LOVE it.
  6. Carseat Cover – baby #3 = always on the go. I love this car seat cover because it’s not an eye sore and it keeps her covered when we get to any destination so she (hopefully!) doesn’t wake up or get any sun.
  7. Portable Sound Machine – once again, always on the go = you need a good sound machine to take with you. My sister in law had this one and we have loved it. I have it hanging in the car by her car seat too so my eldest will turn it on once she starts crying.
  8. Sound Machine in our Bedroom – since she sleeps in our room now, we got this sound machine for our room and it’s been great! I had been wanting this one and am soo glad we went with the cheaper one. It does what it needs to do and is so easy to travel with too!
  9. Postnatal vitamins – don’t judge me, but I was so ill-informed with my first two and didn’t know I should be still be taking vitamins post birth! I now take a postnatal probiotic, my prenatal, collagen, fenugreek and vitamin d. Most of my vitamins are from Mary Ruth’s Organics! Use OLIVIA20 for a discount.
  10. Changing clutch for my purse – an absolute game changer! I love having this in my purse if I don’t want to bring my entire purse everywhere. Use OLIVIA10 for a discount.

Don’t forget to check out my original BABY MUST HAVES blog post here.

That’s it! Hopefully that helps any of you new mamas out there.
