
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Fun story: In Junior High, I had to make a video for a project on recycling and used THIS SONG and now it’s all I can think about when I talk about topics like this. It. just goes through my head over and over again.

On a not so much fun note: I really do think we need to be taking MUCH better care of the earth and I want to do a much better job! It’s one of my 2021 resolutions 👏🏼 Obviously hoping they will become habits for the rest of my life.

After asking for suggestions on my Instagram, here are the top things people said. There are SO many great ideas in here so I hope this can help some of you too!

  1. Reusable straws. I am going to buy THESE ONES because you can fold them up to put in your purse, etc.
  2. Obviously, a big one is to stop using plastic water bottles. This is the #1 thing I struggle the most with. I haaaate the taste of tap water and love my Kirkland water so much 🙃 Buy a Stanely (linked my personal favorite size), Swell, or Hydroflask (linked the one my daughter uses) reusable water bottles.
  3. Stasher bags instead of plastic bags for treats, sandwiches, etc. LOVE these!
  4. Reusable grocery bags (I LOVE our Baggu ones! I just need to remember to bring them with me everywhere)
    1. Sad fact: a grocery bag is used on average for only 12 minutes 😓 12!
  5. Dryer balls. We have THESE ONES and I love them. You can even add essential oils to them for scent if you want to. Dryer sheets are so bad for you and have so many chemicals!
  6. Use Beeswax wrap for covering food, etc. Instead of tin foil and saran wrap! I am going to support this small business for these. Hers look awesome!
  7. Compost! I have soo much to learn about composting. Does anyone have some good resources for me to get started? Books etc.?
  8. Reusable makeup cloths/pads for cleansing, removing makeup, etc.
  9. Use reusable face masks! Reusable masks are the new plastic soda can holders 😥 They are going to fill our oceans and lands so much these next couple of years!
  10. Combine your Amazon orders/choose the slowest shipping option! I am 100% going to do this.
  11. Menstrual cups… I still need to be converted on these! 😑 Help me! Which ones do you guys use exactly? Lots said Diva Cup and Saalt?
  12. Less paper towels, more microfiber cloths & Swedish dishcloths. I could be better at this.
  13. Glass bottles for cleaning mixtures, etc. I bought THIS ONE at The Container Store and love it.
  14. Unplug unused appliances more.
  15. Be mindful of where your clothes come from and how many have. Try to do the “30+ wears” rule. Will I wear this item 30+ times?
  16. Buy more clothes secondhand! Like on Poshmark or a local secondhand store.
  17. One of you recommended Package Free Shop and I’m obsessed! It has everything we need.
  18. Use solar when you can. Whether it’s on your roof or to charge things in your home. I actually bought THIS CHARGER for “emergencies” a couple of months ago but might just use it more often!
  19. Don’t put your produce 🥑 in those individual bags at the grocery store. Just put them in your reusable grocery bags and wash them at home 🙂
  20. Eat less meat. My friend also messaged me and said THIS BOOK is really insightful on this topic so I obviously have a lot of research to do on this. Maybe making sure the meat you eat is more locally sourced can be good?
  21. Cloth diapers. This is a level of COMMITMENT I can only strive for… Lots of great recommendations for Esembly.
  22. Research what is actually “recyclable” so you don’t put things in your bin that aren’t recyclable. I might pay for an additional green bin this year 🌿
  23. Glass Tupperware. I bought the glass Pyrex set at Costco last week!
  24. Metal razors instead of plastic.
  25. Bamboo toothbrushes. I use a Quip that just ships a refillable brush automatically.. is that bad?
  26. Don’t let your water run when you aren’t actively needing it.
  27. When you order food to go, tell them not to give you the utensils, salt + pepper, soy sauce, etc. Just use yours at home.
  28. Sign up for They offset all of your carbon output from your home utility bill.


Those were the most common suggestions submitted and I appreciated them all so much!

One of you said to just make small changes each month and over time they’ll amount to so much! As long as we’re all striving to be a little better, we can make a huge difference.

Love you all! Thanks for helping me be better.
