Easter this year was definitely different than in the past… From how excited our daughter was about everything (and her hilarious commentary), to not seeing our family, it was for sure one we will never forget.
I love Easter for so many reasons but one main reason that I love it is because of the time I have to reflect on our Savior and all that he sacrificed for us. We’ve been trying to teach our daughter about Jesus lately and it is the SWEETEST thing to watch her excitement every time she watches a video or sees a picture and recognizes him. It melts our hearts every single time and we are so grateful for her Christlike example to us 💛
Our favorite video this Easter season was this one.
It’s safe to say she absolutely LOVED finding Easter eggs and eating all of the candy! This girl had a complete sugar rush all day long and is currently going through withdrawals.. which is super fun for all of us.
These two… melting our hearts every single day.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter as well! I also put together this little home video below. Try to catch both of our daughter’s “Oh my heck!” ‘s. It is my absolute favorite thing she does these days. I crack up every single time.
Will’s tie (20% off with code OLIVIABETH)