
This Pregnancy vs. Last Pregnancy

Willivia Pregnancy
Willivia Pregnancy

Okay, I thought it would be fun to write out all the similarities/differences in both of my pregnancies so far! I think it will be fun to look back on one day… especially after we find out the gender!

Last pregnancy I felt like I had more energy than normal. I was going to the gym every day like it was noo big deal! Never really took naps. Felt amazing.

This pregnancy I am SO tired all the time. Granted, I have another child I’m chasing around but I have zero energy to do anything.

Last pregnancy, dessert NEVER sounded good to me.

This pregnancy I enjoy chocolate and sweets.

Last pregnancy, my first trimester was a lot rougher and I had extreme hunger up until week 23-24 and then felt fabulous the rest of the time!

This pregnancy, hunger (no matter how much I eat) is my only “real” symptom of pregnancy and it hasn’t ever gone away. I did have a lot more nausea with this one too!

Last pregnancy, my placenta was in the front so I only really felt the baby kicking a couple of times a day.

This pregnancy, my placenta is in the back so I feel the baby all. day. every. day. I really am not kidding either. I feel like it never stops!

Last pregnancy, due to the placement of my placenta, I really only felt back pain here and there. I would take a tub almost every night with Epsom salts and felt completely fine after.

This pregnancy, I have zero back pain but I feel so much pressure in my pelvis and my hips kill if I try to exercise or walk. So I pretty much sit around all day which is very outside of my comfort zone!

Last pregnancy, I exercised 5-6 days a week up until my due date.

This pregnancy, I have probably exercised 5-6 days TOTAL haha. I am in too much pain afterward if I do!

Last pregnancy, I would have heartburn occasionally.

This pregnancy, I have to take heartburn medication every morning otherwise I have it all day long. Nights are the worst!

Last pregnancy, I KNEW Penelope was a boy… so that was quite the shock when she came out!

This pregnancy, I have kept my mind completely open and haven’t convinced myself of it being one gender over the other! I kept calling my daughter a “he” in the hospital even AFTER she was born so I’m trying to not let my mind get convinced of it being one vs the other.

Okay, that’s all I can think of for now… so now I want to hear your vote! Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?! Obviously it seems like these pregnancies have been so different (which they have been in some ways) but I hear from people all the time that their pregnancies were soo different and they still had another girl etc.

Comment below! The countdown is ON!


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