new years resolutions

A Decade in Four Minutes

Happy New Year, everyone!

I still can’t believe the year is already over and we are well into 2020. Penelope and I have both had croup, the flu and colds this week but we are finally feeling healthier and are officially ready to start this new year.

I am the type of person that honestly loves the New Year. If you know me, you know I love taking time to reflect on my past year and setting goals and resolutions I want to hit in the New Year.

2019 was unforgettable for many reasons.

We tried to savor each moment with Penelope when she was growing bigger right before our eyes.

She started crawling in January, celebrated her first birthday in April and started walking in May!

We purchased our first home that we had been saving up for a really long time for in April.

We both received job promotions at work.

In July we found out we were pregnant with another baby that would be coming to our family in March!

In October we celebrated six years of being married to each other.

We spent so much quality time with our family and friends and traveled to Bear Lake, St. George, Jackson Hole, Hawaii, Boston, New York, and California.

And now I have a feeling that 2020 will be a year that we never ever forget! Especially with this new baby that is coming in a short 9 weeks. Ah!

One perk to being sick is actually having downtime to tackle projects like cleaning up my hard drive which resulted in me putting together a little video of our last ten years together. It was such a neat project for me to sit down and realize how beautiful, messy, and crazy our life is together. I wouldn’t have it any other way and could’ve easily made the video 40 minutes! 😂Hope you enjoy it!


P.S. if you want to check out the Top 19 Links of 2019 visit this post!