
A Time To Worry.


Crystal Cove Beach

One of my favorite parts of California were mine and Will’s morning walks.

One morning, we were at my favorite lookout point (in the entire world) on Crystal Cove beach and Will could tell that something was on my mind. When he asked me what was wrong I said nothing and preferred to carry on with a care-free morning without long conversation about what I was thinking about. I tried shrugging off the thoughts I was having but Will asked again and I decided talking about it could actually help.

I felt worried for some reason.

Worried for our future, worried about things that could happen but probably won’t happen, worried that we might not get another trip like this for a long time, worried about finances, worried about this + that & just the most UNNECESSARY things to even worry about!

After a couple (cough cough 4..) miles of walking and talking it out, Will helped me realize that worrying NOW isn’t necessary at all.

He advised me that it’s better to just worry when things actually come about. And even better, worry about thing that are even worth worrying about once they do. And if bad things do (and probably will) come about, don’t let it consume your life and thoughts.

Just take things one day at a time.

Take a deep breath and realize everything in this life happens for a reason.

When circumstances come about just PLOW THROUGH THOSE TOUGH TIMES with a smile on your face.

Kinda a useless post, but I felt the need to write out those feelings and I always want to remember that morning walk with Willie.

And yes, I think I used the worry word 50 billion times.
