
COSTA RICA (part dos)

On the first day of our vacation, my Dad  & Eliza and I went on a trail run in the jungle. We did it last time we were here and were planning on it being around 2-3 miles. WELLLLL while we were on the run my Dad decides to climb in an opening of a barbed wire fence and discovers a bike trail legit IN the jungle.
It was incredible to run in the thick of the all the trees but also scary because we HAD NO IDEA when the trail was going to end. You couldn’t hear the ocean or any cars but we kept on going because it had to end somewhere right? Right.. it did end. After 8 miles. And ending with us climbing another barbed wire fence onto the highway. And navigating our way home. And trying our hardest to avoid all the poisonous frogs hahaha.
HOWEVER, way before we got completely lost we found this neat abandoned hotel! Due to safety hazards they had to stop the build but the view is INCREDIBLE on what progress they had so far. Later in the week we took the rest of our family back up to see it.


This is the type of exercise Will likes. There either has to be a basketball involved or a killer view to make it all worth it 😉


^and this is how you’d find Bake the entire trip lol. GoPro’ing in his “adventure” hat.
One night we went to visit the Marriott Hotel in Costa Rica because we had dinner at a nearby restaurant. How about that architecture?! I love it.
I also loved that lasagna. YUM.


On night I had quite the “yolo” exeperience. We all did a fire on the beach and my little brother Jensen REEEALLY wanted to go jump in the ocean. So Will told him he’d go with him and I sat there and was like “What the heck! I’ll go too!” So we ran out and jumped in the ocean in the complete dark in our clothes.
It was hilarious because we would just be standing there chatting and before we knew it a wave was about to crash right on us. You weren’t able to see the waves because you couldn’t differentiate the sky from the sea so you would just get THRASHED with zero warning hahaha. It’s hard to explain but it was so funny to us.
You should see pictures of my mom & Bella as toddlers. THEY ARE IDENTICAL.
I’m having Lu withdrawals.
My absolute favorite part of any family vacation is finding our church and attending the meetings wherever we are. It’s insane because at home we walk to church but in Costa Rica (as well as many places worldwide) you have drive quite the distance to get there! This church was an hour long taxi ride away from where we were staying but we still made the effort to all go together.
 I love the meetings even though I can’t understand a lick of what they’re saying. The feeling is always the same!


And our last night all together was spent at a restaurant with an incredible view of the sunset on the ocean. I’m a sucker for those sunsets.
(my mom must’ve had her eye on something looking reaaaal good on the menu 😉
The trip came to an end all too fast!
This is how I found my dad saying bye to Lu when our taxi came. He loves his first grand baby with his whole heart!


Byeeeee Costa Rica. Crossing my fingers I make it back to you one day!!!