

(my mom brought this Brie Pesto Appetizer to our Super Bowl Party Sunday and it’s too great to go un-posted! so here is mama everyone!)
It’s always fun to hang with friends that enjoy food. It’s even better when they share recipes that become your favorite. My friend Rebecca brought this recipe to a girls lunch and I don’t remember anything that happened after I laid eyes on this. 

I quickly learned that all 5 ingredients could be found at Costco. I attempted to do a quick pick-up of these 5 items and didn’t even grab a cart. You all know how this story ended…. Upon grabbing the 5 ingredients and sampling at each pit stop I went back to the entrance to get a cart to load up on all the things I didn’t need or come for.

Back to this recipe: here are the 5 things to go grab from Costco. If you can get in and get out with just the 5 items your my hero. 

1. Jar of pesto
2. Cherry tomatoes
3. Round wedge of Brie 
4. Bag of pine nuts 
5- baguette loaf of crusty bread

To assemble: 

Take Brie out of the paper wrap and cut in to small wedges similar to pizza. 
Set each wedge around the edges of a round ceramic oven-proof dish in a complete circle. 

Spoon pesto over the top of each wedge of Brie. 

Slice the tomatoes in half and lay a slice of tomato on each cheese wedge. (Be creative on this assembling there are no rules) 

Finally, toast the pine-nuts (about 3/4 cup) on the stove with a little olive oil or butter. Don’t walk away from this process. Continually stir until the pine-nuts are toasted and brown in color. 

Bake in oven at 300 degrees. I like to have the light on and watch closely it will only take 10 minutes to get the cheese soft. You don’t want it to melt to the point the cheese flattens out. 

While the cheese is softening in the oven cut up a loaf of the crusty bread into chunks. 

You can figure out the next steps. It’s time to hum and eat ( am I the only one that does that?!) 

I could eat this as an appetizer, entree or midnight snack. 

So plan a girls night and maybe even have friends come over and watch The Bachelor or whatever else you don’t admit you watch and place this in the middle of the room and let the humming begin.
(THANK YOU Mom!! I can’t wait to have this recipe forever!)