

I have so many thoughts on my mind lately. One part of me has a hard time gathering my thoughts and the other side has a hard time even expressing those thoughts.
This new year has already brought it’s own set of struggles and trails but I am grateful for each trial because it helps me clearly realize what truly matters in life.
What truly matters to ME is doing what makes me ultimately the happiest.
It is strengthening my relationship with Will each day.
Drawing closer to my Heavenly Father.
Serving my family and friends more.
And simply living my life not caring about the harsh opinions of other people.
The world is a scary place these days.
REALLY scary place.
There are sad people out there that are starving to feel loved.
There are people that find joy in tearing down others to feel better about themselves.
There are people that have a fascination with ruining peoples lives.
There are bullies that come in various forms.
And that to me… is super saddening.
The world needs people that are better than that.
I hope we can all learn to love more.
I hope we can try each day to BE BETTER.
Better friends, wives, sisters, mom’s, daughters etc.
I have found that in my life when I serve other people I myself am a happier person.
The less I focus on myself the more loved I feel.
I have a lot to work on to be better but I love the idea of the new year and having opportunities to change, grow, and experience things that can change our lives forever.
May we all love more and judge less.
The world needs more of that.(I made the above picture from a quote by Margaret Nadauld)